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Booth Street | Melocco Brothers 1 Booth Street | 52-54 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown Heritage listed Warehouse | Traffic Calming Proposal for Booth Street | Sewage Pumping Station | Johnstons Creek Stormwater Channel No 55
With the new round-about at the intersection of Wigram and Booth Street in operation, Lemonia gets the go ahead.
Inner West brothers Gary, Dion and Alexander at opening of their new cafe Lemonia at 4-6 Booth Street.
The facade of the federation cottage has been retained but the interior has been fitted out in clean white, LED downlights and handmade upstyled trimmings, some incorporating halogen lighting. Interior "pre-loved" tables and chairs are serviceable - the optimimum seat is the window seat between the galley kitchen contemplating the park.
Extra sustainability points for offering rather than assuming sugar with coffees and butter with toast. The protein rich, low fat organic egg white omelette is a concept to consider - though one wonders what happens to the yolks.
"'Twas the night before Service, when all through the shop Not a creature was stirring, not even a mousi; The prep was all done and Harry was happy,"... (viewed 7 Jan 2013)
8. Wigram /Booth roundabout progress
Answer [From Leichhardt Council]
Independant traffic consultants have undertaken a road safety audit of the detailed roundabout design plans and this has been submitted to the City Council for their Traffic Committee to consider (expected mid June). The audit and recommendatios supports Leichhardt Council's position for a roundabout with pedestrian access in the Wigram Rd leg. Once finalised we will forward to the applicant for construction purposes
New issues
9. a tunnel under Booth St near the bridge for cycle and foot path
10. 10km shared zone for almost all lanes (and enforcement ands education- not always observed in Susan Lane behind me)
Answer [From Leichhardt Council]
There is no proposed at this stage for a tunnel under Booth St - the designated cycle route is Taylor St. However this will be looked at again when the master planning is undertaken for the newly aquired Taylor/Chester properties for open space
Shared zones requirements are currently under RMS review however any laneway proposals would be subject to pedestrian and traffic volumes.
Any specific enforcement concerns in Susan Lane should be referred to Council's compliance section for investigation
Scaffolding collapses, Police, Ambulance and Workcover attended. Photograph of Collapsed Scaffolding in Taylor Street.
Work on the site continues. The building has been partly demolished and the remaining walls of the building shell are propped up.
Larger Image of Roundabout and Taylor Street Crossing.
Also Higher Resolution complete Drawings in 51MB PDF (Warning large file)
Deferred Commencement Consent condition included a detailed Engineering design for a roundabout at the corner of Wigram Road and Booth Street Annandale together with a median strop on Booth Street, between Taylor Street and Wigram Road. Plans were provided and approved by Leichhardt Council. However, a quarter of the proposed roundabout was in the City of Sydney. Revised plans for the roundabout at Booth Street/Wigram Road and Pedestrian Refuge, on Booth Street, west of Taylor Street were presented to Precinct Meeting 7 February 2012.
Objectors were advised, in a letter dated 24 June 2011, that the appeal was upheld, with "numerous conditions" and decision available on Leichhardt Council Website on 24 June 2011.
At 30 June 2011, the Decision in Accessible format was not yet available at NSW Land and Environment Court Judgments. A 9MB Inaccessible (Image) version of Court Order was available at Leichhardt Council DA Tracking Website along with supporting documents.
(22/06/2011) D/2010/497 - Appeal No 10045/2011 - IFB Booth St Pty Ltd - 4-8 Booth Street Annandale - Architectural Plan - COURT APPROVED [Click here to view]
(22/06/2011) D/2010/497 - Appeal No 11045/2011 - IFB Booth St Pty Ltd & Anor - 4 - 8 Booth Street Annandale - Land & Environment No 10045 of 2011 - Enclosed sealed order by the court (Author: Pikes Lawyers) [Click here to view]
(14/06/2011) Final Printed: DA - Acknowledgement Submissions [Click here to view]
(09/06/2011) D/2010/497 - Appeal No. 10045/2011 - IFB Booth Pty Ltd - 4-8 Booth Street Annandale - Applicant Proposed Concept Plan for Roundabout, Medium Strip and Pedestrian Refuge for Traffic Committee Meeting of 5 May 2011 [Click here to view]
(06/06/2011) How to Access Council's Application Tracking Online [Click here to view]
(03/06/2011) D/2010/497 - Appeal No.10045/2011 IFB Booth Pty Ltd - 4-8 Booth Street Annandale - architect schedule list of changes to design Revision A to F [Click here to view]
(03/06/2011) D/2010/497 - Appeal No.10045/2011 IFB Booth Pty Ltd - 4-8 Booth Street Annandale - amended architectural plans [Click here to view]
(02/06/2011) D/2010/497 - 4 - 8 Booth Street Annandale - Additional information - Photo montage (Author: Nordon Jago Architects) [Click here to view]
(02/06/2011) D/2010/497 - 4 - 8 Booth Street Annandale - Additional information - Shadow diagrams (Author: Nordon Jago Architects) [Click here to view]
(02/06/2011) D/2010/497 - 4 - 8 Booth Street Annandale - Additional information - Finishes and signage (Author: Nordon Jago Architects) [Click here to view]
Source:Leichhardt Council DA Tracking System (viewed 30 June 2011)
Court Proceeding No 10045 of 2011
3 June 2011: Leichhardt Council's Solicitor advises that Applicant has provided amended plans, which are on public exhibition, at Leichhardt Council Applications Tracking Online (ref D/2010/497), until Close of Business 9 June 2011.
Land and Environment Court Onsite Hearing, 10am Friday 27 May 2011. Following. onsite hearing, court adjourned to Macquarie Street
Development Application for Redevelopment of 4-8 Booth Street, Annandale
Supermarket/Child Care Centre/Cafe
Land and Environment Court Proceedings No 10045 of 2011
March 2011
Alterations and additions to existing buildings and change of use to supermarket, restaurant and childcare centre for 56 children with basement and external carparking. Hours of operation for the supermarket and restaurant entail 7am to 10pm Mon - Sat, 8am to 9pm Sun & public hols and for the childcare 7am - 6pm Mon -Fri. Plus associated signage.
Properties: 4-8 (4, 6-8A & 8) Booth Street ANNANDALE NSW 2038
Nearly 40 Submissions
14/12/2010 DA -Acknowledgement Submissions 14/12/2010
13/12/2010 DA - Referral - Environmental Health Officer 07/03/2011
07/12/2010 DA - Referral - Development Engineer 01/02/2011
07/12/2010 DA - Referral - Building Surveyor 16/12/2010
07/12/2010 DA - Referral - Traffic Engineer 01/02/2011
DA - Assessment Report
01/03/2011 DA -Acknowledgement Submissions
DA - Determination Notice
DA - Quality Assurance
...more Leichhardt Council Development Application Tracking System
Real Estate Photographs and profile 4-8 booth street, Annandale, NSW 2038 Last updated 7 January 2013.