Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

Aboriginal Australia | 1770-1823 | 1823-1876 | 1876-1889 | 1890-1900 | 1900-1915 | 1916-1930 | 1931-1938 | 1939-1945 | 1945-1955 | 1956-1969 | 1970-1998 | 1998-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | What's on | Blog | Instagram | Annandale Remembers: Condolence Motions and Memorials |

July-December 2013

January-June 2013

Time of Parra'dowee - Goray'murrai (warm and wet) November - December...more

Christmas in Annandale Village

A Man in whiteArt in a Shop WindwoRenato Mendoza's windows always look fabulous. In the past, they have featured Darren Birchoff's Shoes and Hats. This Christmas, Renato has collaborated with two of his clients, Phillipa Joyce and Lynne Sung, to present "Fish Dance", his 2013 Christmas Window.

Eva's Vintage and Renato are the shopfronts in the Heritage Listed 1894 Colannade Building, Annandale Village, Johnston Street.

Woman in Clothing Shop Eva with her beautiful display of clothing and accessories in her Vintage & Designer Clothing Store

What's on at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre in Term 4, 2013

Yoga, Playgroups, Painting, Music, Dance....Full Program

Annandale Neighbourhood Centre as demonstration site for Energy Efficient Lighting...more

Sunday Streets

Sunday Streets is a fun and healthy event that opens up a city's largest public space - its streets - for people to reconnect with each other and their local environment: to play, walk, chat, cycle and to share in other recreational, arts and cultural activities. (Remember playing cricket in the street?...) It is enjoyed by all regardless of age, ability or recreational activity. ...Sign the Petition at

Water Sensitive Design in Annandale Streets (18 December 2013).

Modified Kerb blisters reduce runoff and replenish ground water. See street plants thriving due to water sensitive design in Taylor Street (South). New modified Kerb blisters have been installed at the intersection of Annandale Street and Piper Street. The modified design channels water from gutter into the blister...Kerb Blister with water channelmore

yellow two story building on street corner with signage: Yoga-in-Daily-LifeWe regret to inform our loyal students that the ashram in Annandale was closed....more

The Yoga in Daily Life Ashram, 102 Booth Street, was on the South East corner of intersection of Booth and Alfred Streets Annandale.

Man and woman talking in front of corrugated iron man behind counter

In the Santalands Diaries, one of Santas elvin helpers takes you behind the scene at Macy's a large New York Department store in the lead up to Christmas Day. The show begins at 8pm, as the sun sets on the harbour. Take a picnic and enjoy the sunset and the show!

The Santalands DiariesThe Santalands Diaries
Written by David Sedaris
Adapted for the stage by Joe Mantello
Directed by Steven Tait

Written by David Sedaris
Adapted for the stage by Joe Mantello
Directed by Steven Tait
the hilarious true story of a man working as a Christmas Elf at Macys, New York City.
8pm on 6,7, 8, 13, 14, 15th December 2013 (RECOMMENDED FOR AGES: 18 and up)
Archway 1, Chapman Rd, Annandale (Next to Crescent Timber, BBQs and Children's Playground, Bicentennial Park Annandale)...more

1980s Newcastle

Merrick Fry at the Black Toast Cafe, 43 Booth Street Annandale.

"Vital Links – Jacques Delaruelle…Merrick Fry’s exhibition Child’s Play was not only rooted in, but also inspired by the industrial wasteland which borders Newcastle" - Art Monthly – October 1998

Carols in the Garden

Hunter Baillie Church Lawn
cnr of Johnston and Collins Streets
Friday 6th December from 6 to 7 pm
BYO Rug/chair, picnic & Voice!

brick viaductPARK FOR ANNANDALE.

In 1923, a large number of Annandale residents met at the Council Chambers on Johnston Street. The Mayor (Alderman E. Hogan) presided over the meeting whose objective was to securing certain land in the municipality for dedication as a public park and recreation ground. The resolution to secure the land was moved by Senator J. Grant. In seconding the motion, Mr. W. J. Lincoln said that the "building of the Rozelle railway had robbed them of the only recreation ground they had." The motion was supported by Aldermen Packer and Ridge, Mr. A. Sinclair, M.L.C., and Mr. Carrington. Messrs. W. J. Lincoln and P. S. Tooker were elected president and hon. secretary respectively of the citizens' committee which was formed to arrange a deputation to the Minister for Lands. Source: 1923 'PARK FOR ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 November, p. 8, viewed 11 September, 2013,

Rozelle Tram Shed's (Harold Park) DA Report to Planning Development and Transport Committee

Skyline with cranesThe consideration of the Development Application was deferred to February 2014

"(b) The private Link Road is not to be used by vehicles servicing the site.
All service vehicles are to enter and exit the Tram Sheds site via the Johnstons Creek Bridge road link [Ed:Through Federal Park]..." more


A report on the application will be submitted to the Planning Development and Transport Committee meeting on 3 December 2013 for determination. This meeting is to be held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall commencing at 5.00p.m and is open for public attendance....more

marques, people and cyclists in parkHarold Park Cliff Parklands

Plans for New Public Park at Harold Park - 10-2pm Saturday 9 November 2013 at Bicentennial Park. To be launched by Lord Mayor Moore at 10.30am

"The project team for the Harold Park public park invites you to a drop in session on Saturday 9 November 2013 from 10am to 2pm at Bicentennial Park, Glebe (nearest entry Chapman Rd Annandale). We will have the concept design on display and you can speak with the project team. There will also be a barbeque and children's activities. The consultation phase will run from Saturday 9th to Sunday 24th November 2013." More at

Plans also available at
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

Sydney Cityscape

Some Key Points

  1. Iconic Memorial, currently located at the Leichhardt Bus Depot to be reinstated at the Rozelle Tram Sheds. formal garden with statue
  2. Road through Federal park from Nelson Street round about on the Crescent should not be upgraded. The "future roads" through Harold Park should be used to access the tram sheds.
  3. Local Provenance species Trees should be ordered now so, that they will be of useful size when required. The grounds should incorporate at least one Syncarpia glomulifera (Turpentine) and one ironbark, as well as angopheras, in the significant tree planting. See examples at Large Local trees
  4. Swales along cliff and elsewhere should allow for percolation into the soil, to support trees and vegetation in parklands and streetscape on Harold Park site.

Polyseme from the Annandale Galleries collection

Murray Fredericks, Michael Weston, Larry Bell, Michael McInerney, Jim Dine, Michael Weston, Loic LeGroumellec and others
Djambawa Marawili, Gunybi Ganambarr, Malaluba Gumana, Nawurapu Wunungmurra, John Mawurndjul, Samuel Namundja and others
Tuesday - Saturday 11 am to 5pm extended to December 7.
Australian and overseas contemporary; Indigenous contemporary ...more

Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan

Leichhardt Council Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan on Exhibition until 29 November 2013....more

Lia Scallon - SOS Sounds of Source

Date: Sunday 24th November
Time: 7pm – Register from 6:15pm
Venue:Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

Transformative Sound frequencies from Source throug Lia, to help humanity harness the intense Solar Flare radiation for positive spiritual growth and mind expansion...more

woman and sign in doorwayArchway Theate and Gallery

Rachel Jordan the founder and Director of the Archway 1 Theatre Ensemble and Company and the Creative Arts Alliance Sydney and co-founder and Director of The Archetype Gallery and The Archway 1 Archetype Art Studio, takes a break from preparation for the next Archway 1 production. More at Archway1 Theatre & Gallery.

South Sydney Summer Series of Orientiering

No 4. 16 Nov Whites Creek Federal Park ...more

Community Consultation on Booth Street Masterplan

In June, Leichhardt Council consulted the community on the development of the Booth Street Masterplan. A Draft Masterplan has been prepared and addresses streetscape, parking and traffic improvements along Booth Street, between Annandale Street and Wigram Road. Council would now like to include footpath and streetscape improvements along Johnston Street Annandale and Mayor invites the residents and business owners to a consultation meeting
Annandale Town Hall
5.30pm Thursday 14 November 2013.
For further information about the project, please contact Council’s Design Engineer, Mr Mark Barrett, on 9367 9152 or

Glebe Island Bridge Listing Causes Tension in NSW Parliament

26192 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 21 November 2013

Save the Glebe Island Bridge

Should the 110 year old Glebe Island bridge be demolished or turned into a Cycle and Walkway? Let the NSW Goverment know, before 15 November 2013, what you would like at

More about the Glebe Island bridge at 03/11: Adapting the Glebe Island Bridge would encourage more pedestrians and cyclists

War Memorial and Ersatz Grave (20 November 2013)

wreathe inlaid into sandstone Memorial and graveRemembrance day wreathes still on the memorial

3 peopleRemembrance Day 2013

Date: Monday 11 November 2013
Venue: Annandale War Memorial, Hinsby Park, Johnston St Annandale.
Commencing: 10:30am

people at war memorial people at war memorialAs at the opening of the memorial in 1921, rain necessitated an abbreviated service with the Annandale North Public School Choir and Leichhardt Band, who were to lead the Hymns, pulling out. However, the principal and students from Annandale Public School did brave the weather and laid a wreathe, along with Leichhardt Council Mayor , the RSL and the Vietnam Veterans Association. The bugle was played. See video

Every year, on 11 November at 11 am – the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we pause to remember those men and women who have died or suffered in all wars, conflicts and peace

More about Annandale's War Memorials

Leave a comment at C!AO

The Song Company's 19th Christmas at the Hunter Baillie

Directed by Roland Peelman
Music by Janequin, Stanford, Ford, Willcock and a selection of Christmas songs from around the globe, including Andrew Ford's composition Australian Aphorisms, that incorporated a quote from Barbara Blackman: "One of the highest forms that love can take is encouragement"

3pm Sunday 10 November, Hunter Baille Memorial Church
Tix $30 adults/$25 conc/$15 student/$10 child
Available at Door. Or to Book Phone 9554-7885 or

More at

Fire engineSt Brendan's Spring Fair

10-3pm Saturday 2 November 2013
Collins Street, between Johnston Street and Johnston's Lane.

Time of Ngoonungi - Murrai'yunggory (cool, getting warmer) September - October
The time of the gathering of the flying foxes.more


ANNANDALE GALLERIES presents KIM SPOONER - Paintings in Dialogue with Bruegel and LEON KOSSOFF - Survey 1966 - 2000 4 September 2013 Closes 5th October...more

Parcel Lockers for Annandale Post Office.

Continuing its long tradition of keeping up with the times, a Development Application has been lodged for the installation of Parcel Lockers at Annandale Post Office. The lockers are to be installed on the Northern Fenceline, adjoining the Bill Board in the Petrol Station on Johnston Street. Heritage Impact Statement, Drawings and homepage for D / 2013 / 374 (comments close 27 Sep 2013).

See the long history of the Annandale Post Office at

Sydney University Musical Society Concert

6.00 pm, Sunday, 29 September 2013
performing Vivaldi — Gloria Rv. 589 Mozart — Missa Brevis in Bb, K.275
More at

Platform Shorts 2013

Part of The Sydney Fringe Festival 2013
Annandale Creative Arts Centre 81 Johnston St, Annandale
13th,14th, 20th, and 21st September 2013

Opening of Gray Street Playground

There will be muffins, juice and coffee.
10-11am Saturday 14 Sep 2013
Crn Gray St and Annandale St

New Recreation reserve for Annandale, at the foot of Gray-street - 1926 'PARK FOR ANNANDALE.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 9 March, p. 9, viewed 11 September, 2013,

9 Candidates standing in the Federal Election for Seat of Sydney
44 Groups vying for 6 NSW Senate Seates

How people voted in the Annandale Booths.... more

Election Day in Annandale

How people voted at Annandale Public School and Annandale North...and the Fetes....Federal Election 2013

Hunter Baillie Church Fete

from 9am Saturday 7 September 2013
The Usual Goodies - Bric-a-Brac, Jams, Morning Teas

Vote and Play At ANPS Mini Fete on Election DayGo Back to the Future this Election Day
at Annandale North Public School Mini Fete

7 September 2013
Polling hours (8am – 6pm)
All welcome. Free entry

Annandale North Public School is giving voters a chance to remember Election Day in a unique way at the its mini fete....more

Time of Wiritjiribin - Tugarah Gunya'marri (cold and windy) August when the lyrebirds' calls...more


contemporary indigenous work incorporating found objects
from Yirrkala NE Arnhem Land
Exhibition dates: 24 July - 31 August
Opening 6.30-9pm Wednesday 24 July 2013
more at:

Eco-Annandale Art and Science ExhibitionEco-AnnandaleEco-Annandale 2013 @ Footprintspeople at Footprints ecoFestival 2013

The Theme for the one day 2013 Eco-Annandale Exhibition is The Carbon Cycle. Call for Entries is open until 1 August 2013. More at /eco-annandale-2013/

Footprints ecoFestival

Leichhardt Council will once again host Footprints Eco Festival @ Whites Creek Valley Park, Annandale on Sunday 25 August 2013. Applications for stall holders are now open. More at: footprints ecoFestival

Footprints Film Festival

Have a bunch of clothes you don’t wear anymore that are still in great condition? Footprints Clothing Swap

Johnston's Creek Parklands Master Plan (City of Sydney)

Project team discussing refined Master Plan and seeking endorsement at Environment Committee meeting on Monday 19 August 2013 at 2pm. Team will then seek Council endorsement of the refined Master Plan.

The business papers are now live on the City's website. They include phase 1, 2 and 3 consultation reports, a summary from phase 3 of community comments and responses from the project team, the amended Master Plan, a location plan and a number of precedent images. These can be viewed online at (scroll down to Item 8).

Committee meetings begin at 2pm in the Council Chamber, Sydney Town Hall. Guidelines for community members wishing to speak at committee meetings can be found here:

Development of Tram Sheds at Harold Park (Exhibition Extended to: 21/08/2013)

City of Sydney (D/2013/883): Adaptive re-use, and alterations to, the heritage listed Rozelle Tram Depot for community, retail and commercial uses including a supermarket, restauraunts (unlicenced) and gym serviced by 146 car parking spaces and 65 bicycle spaces. Proposed hours of operation are 6.00am to 12 midnight, seven days a week. Associated works inlcude a pedestrian link to Maxwell Road, a signalised intersection at Nelson St and the Crescent, works to the Johnsons Creek Bridge as well as associated landscaping and heritage interpretation works....more

See Proposed Tram Shed Development of proposed Tramshed Development

Harold Park Tramshed Development - Have your Say Meeting

6.30-7.30pm Monday 19 August 2013
Glebe Town Hall, 160 St Johns Road
RSVP for catering purposes: Telephone: 96607586 or Email:
More at

Petition at

Filming Hope in Annandale

An all Sydney Crew gather crew in actionmore

Work on paperMerrick Fry at the Black Toast Cafe

Local artist Merrick Fry's Art is currently on exhibition at the Black Toast Cafe, 43 Booth Street Annandale.

Eco-Annandale 2011 & 2012

Leichhardt Council Artist of Month (February 2013)

How the changes to planning laws will affect you

Planning forum
7pm Thursday 8 August 2013
Annandale Town Hall
79 Johnston Street, Annandale

Speakers include: Corinne Fisher from the Better Planning Network (a coalition of over 300 community groups working for better planning laws) and Cerin Loane from the Nature Conservation Council.

RSVP: 9660 7586 or

Time of Burrugin - Tugarah Tuli (cold, frosty, short days) June to late July..

Public exhibition of DCP and amendments to Exhibited Draft LEP (on display for public comment to 31 July 2013)

On Display at Anandale Neighbourhood Centre
Information Session: Annandale Neighbourhood Centre: 10am-12pm on Wednesday 26 June 2013

Draft Development Control Plan 2013 at:; and
Amendments to Draft Local Environmental Plan 2013 at:
Draft Local Environment Plan at:

Hinsby Park Consultation

3pm 27 July 2013
Pop along to Hinsby Park and have your say about the upgrade of the playground.

Annandale Galleries

Annandale Galleries presents
Rotating Group Show
12 June - 20 July 2013
more at:

Booth Street Masterplan

The proposal to develop a masterplan for Booth Street was presented to residents on 27 June 2013. Residents were invited to make submissions to Leichhardt Council...Booth Street Masterplan

Leichhardt Council is seeking the community’s vision and ideas for the continued improvement of the Booth Street streetscape before 12 July 2013. More information including input forms Booth Street Annandale Main Street Masterplan

Support the Heritage Listing of the Glebe Island Bridge

Should the Glebe Island bridge, a key piece of Transport Infrastructure and once a key component of the largest tram network in the world be downgraded from State Heritage Listing?...

NSW Planning System

A new planning system for NSW - June 2013 Forums for practitioners and public more at

History January to June 2013