CITO juggling ICT on one foot, on a wall

Information & Communication Technology

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Self Publishing

Lulu, iTunes, Kindle, Nook, Barnes and Noble, Amazon and Beyond

Workshop Part 1 Creating an eBook & Book Part 2 Interoperability PDF for Paperback Part 3 Publishing Formatting E-Books for Amazon's Kindle Audio in eBooks eBooks and Paperbacks Enquiries

Part 2 Interoperability

styles box from open officeMarghanita da Cruz
Sydney Linux Users Group Meeting, 26th August 2011

The Book: 1890s Annandale A Short Walk

Youtube: Lightning Talk at Sydney Linux Users Group (26 August 2011)

Update: Creating a PDF for Paperback - Transparency.

When uploading a PDF to create the sixth book in the series in August 2016, the PDF document was rejected and I was referred to a tips for fixing your PDF including using standard fonts or embedding them into an ISO 19005-1 document and pagination.

After replacing the FreeSans with Arial throughout the document it was still rejected. So, I tried exporting the file using the "Archive PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1) option. This gave the error message that transparency wasn't supported in the ISO 19005-1 format and the image was being converted. Lulu accepted the new document (but complained of the low quality images.)

Useful tip - use low qual images (PDF exporter provides options to reduce image quality to reduce the size of the file to be uploaded). © Ramin Communications 2007-16. Last modified 5 August 2016.