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Information & Communication Technology

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Self Publishing

Lulu, iTunes, Kindle, Nook, Barnes and Noble, Amazon and Beyond

Workshop Part 1 Creating an eBook & Book Part 2 Interoperability PDF for Paperback Part 3 Publishing Formatting E-Books for Amazon's Kindle Audio in eBooks eBooks and Paperbacks Enquiries

Formatting E-Book (with images) for Distribution through Amazon's Kindle

Step 1. Sign up to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing Service.

Step 2. Complete Amazon's Taxation requirements

Step 3. Start creating your "bookshelf". To do this you need a cover for your book and the content in one of the acceptable formats which includes ePub.

Uploading the ePubs which were distributed through Lulu worked fine for 3 of the 5 books.


  1. The mobi (Amazon (mobi) version of eBook) could be pre-viewed through a Kindle simulator or downloaded and viewed on the kindle device which pluggs into the USB port and appears as a disk.

  2. Avoid "&" in file names. Images with containing an "&" did not display properly.
  3. The mobi version contained the cover page. It is useful to include the backcover in the epub.

According to Amazon, the Kindle eBooks should be available in under 10 hours see paperbacks and kindle books by Marghanita da Cruz on Amazon © Ramin Communications 2007-15. Last modified 5 August 2016.