Marghanita da Cruz for Inner West Council, The Greens

Marghanita da Cruz

Greens Councillor
Gulgadya Ward - Inner West Council

Elected a Leichhardt Ward Councillor on 9 September 2017 (Leichhardt Ward renamed Gulgadya Ward in December 2018)

Marghanita da Cruz wants to build a community with good footpaths to public transport, community centres and green spaces. Facilities to help us lead active lives. An environment in which we look after our waterways, and harness energy from the sun and wind.

Contact | Bio | Map of the Leichhardt Ward | Donate | Check Enrollment

What has Marghanita been doing? Blog - 2019 onwards | NewsFeed 2017-8 |December 2018 | November 2018 | October 2018 | September 2018 |August 2018 | July 2018 | June 2018 | May 2018 | Spotlight on the approval of Westconnex M4-M5 Link | April 2018 | March 2018| February 2018| Annandale to Lilyfield, 4 Feb 2018 | January 2018 | November-December 2017 | September-October 2017 | Solar our Community | Election Diary | Campaign Log: June | 1-10 July | 11-31 July | August | September

November 2018

Planning Summit & Local Democracy Committees, 29 Nov 2018

conference slide conference slide conference slide conference slide Some useful information at the planning summit including urging everyone to Get Prepared via the Red Cross App

Urban Growth shared their approach to community engagement on the Parramatta Road which earned them two awards for excellence from the Planning Institute of Australia.
Despite this, the plan seesm to have become a hot potator with it being passed to the Greater Sydney Commission, who has passed it on to the planning department in July

Brief overview of Transport 2056 - they are going to ask us - they could also look at the opal data!!

conference slidePopulation vs Dwelling Completion Graph
two concrete ducks without headsBy the path in Annandale on the way to the Light Rail Stop is worth heading!

Inner West Business Environment Awards, Camperdown Commons 29 Nov 2018

group of people some with certifiates At Camperdown Commons this evening for the Inner West 2018 Inner West Business Environment Awards which recognise sustainable innovation by our local businesses.
It seems the Inner West provides a good environment for sustainable businesses with the organic waste being take to Hobo Gro and Reverse Garbage incubating Boomerang Bags Sydney Inner West.
Explore & Develop Annandale and Leichhardt were recognised for encouraging their communities to recycle and avoid plastic, with Boomerang Bags Sydney Inner West.
Check out these other innovative businesses:
Petersham Bowling Club, Feather and Bone Providore, Nauti Studios, Village Wholefoods & Bulk Foods, About Life and Pocket City Farms were all recognised for their steps towards living more sustainably.

Council Meeting, 27 Nov 2018

C1118(2) Item 26 Greenway Delivery Project Management and Engagement Plan
Motion: (Drury/Byrne)
1. The report be noted;
2. Council’s Communications team have responsibility for and management of all branding and communications relating to the Greenway project; and
3. The existing Greenway logo be replaced by the Inner West Council logo in all Council communications published on the website or to materials distributed to residents.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Cr Porteous
Amendment (Da Cruz)
THAT the Plan of Management for Johnson Park be brought forward in the list.
This Amendment lapsed for want of Seconder.

Tree DCP - clarity video

C1118(2) Item 12 Classification of Crown Lands and Prioritisation of Park Plans of Management
Amendment (Da Cruz/Porteous)
1. Johnson Park Plan of Management be brought forward in the list; and
2. Douglas Grant Park, Badu Park and Chester Street pocket parks be brought forward in the list.
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York
Absent: Cr Passas

Motion: (Da Cruz/Kiat)
THAT Council:
1. Adopt the amended Complaints Handling policy shown as Attachment 1 incorporating six monthly report on complaint statistics to be published on website;
2. Receive a six monthly report summarising the types of complaints received and actions to address issues identified; and
3. Rescind the below legacy policies of the former Ashfield, Marrickville and Leichhardt councils:
- Customer Complaints Policy (Ashfield);
- Service Complaints Policy (Leichhardt); and
- Council Complaint Management Policy (Marrickville).
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil

C1118(2) Item 3 Council Meeting Schedule for 2019
Motion: (Porteous/Da Cruz)
1. Council adopt the Council Meeting Schedule for 2019 as detailed in the report, subject to changing the date of the Ordinary Council Meeting from Tuesday 23 April to Tuesday 30 April; and
2. In 2019 at least 2 Council Meetings are held in either Leichhardt Council Chambers or Leichhardt Town Hall.
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Kiat, Lockie, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York
Absent: Crs Hesse and Passas

Urgency Motion – Addison Road Site
Councillor Da requested that the meeting consider an Urgency Motion with regards to Orders issued to the Addison Road Site.
Motion: (Da Cruz)
THAT the motion be considered as a matter of urgency.
The Motion Lapsed for want of Seconder. video

27 November Council meeting: Agenda | Minutes

Addison Road Community Centre, 25 Nov 2018

horse eating watermelon horse eating watermelon The Bower truck Reducing Waste at the Addison Road Community Centre

Lords Road Planning Proposal, 24 Nov 2018

"A new Planning Proposal has been submitted for Lords Road.
The previous proposal to rezone the land and construct 315 apartments was refused by the Central Sydney Planning Panel in September 2017.
The new proposal includes:
-rezoning from IN2 Light Industrial to R3 Medium Density Residential
-235 dwellings
-Additional permitted uses including 3,000sqm community, creative and employment uses
-A proposed FSR change from 1:1 to 2.4:1
-Five buildings around the site perimeter ranging from 3-9 storeys with a proposed reduced level height limit of 35m
Council officers are assessing the proposal against relevant planning policies and State and local transport and environmental strategies and the community engagement undertaken by the Proponent;
The officer's assessment will be provided to the Inner West Local Planning Panel for advice. It is expected that the proposal will be presented to the panel late 2018/early 2019. The report and proposal will be available on the panel's website about a week before they review it and the public are permitted to attend the meeting where the matter is considered.
The advice from the panel will then be presented to Councillors. The report will be available a week before the meeting and the public may attend and speak.
Councillors will decide whether the proposal warrants being sent to the gateway process with the Department of Planning.
The Gateway process determines whether there is statutory approval for the proposal to proceed to further community consultation; and
If the Council determines not to forward the proposal to gateway, the proponent could ask the Department of Planning to review such a decision."

Greenway Site Visit, 24 Nov 2018

New Public Art, Johnson Park

Public Bins Lewisham West

Lang Street Bridge across the Cook's River at the junction of the Greenway and Cook's River Path. The timber bridge is due to be replace.

Archie Roach at Boomalli, 23 Nov 2018

Left on the Verge

Save the Bower, Addison Road Community Centre, 22 Nov 2018

"Update From the Bower Friday 23rd November 2018
Although we’re still locked out and the eviction hasn’t been overturned, ARCCO will allow us to continue with our original plan to demolish the parts of The Bower as required to fulfill the Council’s compliance order! Hurrah!
Come on down to The Bower from 9am – 5pm Saturday and Sunday [24/5 November] to help us out. Many hands make light work and we’ll have people coordinating different jobs. Please bring your own protective gear: steel cap boots, dust masks etc. We’ll also gratefully accept all offers of food and refreshments to support the volunteers helping us.
Our future at Addison Road is still very much under threat, so please keep sharing our petition

15,464 have signed as at Mon 26 Nov 15:41. 10,000 supporters 6 days ago; Bower Birds started the petition on Monday 19 November!

Westconnex M4-M5 Tunnel Route, 22 Nov 2018

Westconnex have published the route and the properties they say will be impactes..


Storm water infrastructure and peopleAt my request the AIATSIS map will be hung at Council's Community Centres

How many Indigenous Languages, Nations or Social Groups can you place on the map?

Blackmore Oval Wetlands Opening, 20 Nov

Storm water infrastructure and people Storm water infrastructure and people Storm water infrastructure and people Storm water infrastructure and people Storm water infrastructure and people Storm water infrastructure and people Storm water infrastructure and peopleGood to be at the opening of the Blackmore Oval Wetlands and waterharvesting this morning.

A system of Gross Pollution Traps, treatment plants, water tanks and the wetland will filter and capture runnoff from City West Link to water the oval.

Video about the Project:

Bower Eviction, 19 November 2018

The Bower is a wonderful story and I am a huge fan (photo at the annual auction Saturday before last) and from the response to the petition (8,842 have signed. Let’s get to 10,000! in 23 hours) it would seem that so are many others. If nothing else they fixed my Sony CD Walkman at a Repair Cafe! Coincidentally, I put up an amendment saying that we need to support these types of ventures in Inner West Council's waste policy on Oct 30, but it was not supported.

Amend point 6 to:
6. Develop a strategy to divert resources before they enter the waste stream by:
a) Increase recycling collection points at Council Premises to complement those provided by Businesses (eg for e-waste, styrofoam, batteries, mobile phones etc);
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and Stamolis
Absent: Cr Raciti
b) Ensure accommodation for enterprises which extend the life of products through repair and reuse (such as the Bower, Reverse Garbage, Dismantle (bikes), Newtown Bike Garden, Vinnies, Salvos);
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Kiat, Porteous and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and Stamolis
Absent: Cr Raciti...

There are compliance issues at the Addison Road Centre site, but the bigger issue is the conflict between the ARCCO management and the long time enterprises and community groups on the site. The petition sets out the issues

Separated Cycleway, Liverpool and Kent Streets, Sydney, 16 November 2018

separated cycleway on road at t-junction with traffic lights

Bin Stickers

stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical stickers on bins explaining what goes into which receptical

Boomalli Members Exhibition Opening, 14 November 2018

art gallery art gallery art gallery stuff on the verge

Council Meeting, November 13

Ashfield Pool Tender

crowded room planLast night, 13 Nov 2018, Inner West Councillors awarded the tender for demolition and re-construction of most of the Ashfield Aquatic Centre.

The Refurbishment of the 55 year old Pool has been on the Agenda as far back as 2007 and the gallery in the council chambers was full to hear the outcome of the confidential deliberations.

In December 2014, IPART determined Ashfield Council could have a Special Rate Variationfinancial table to refurbish the Aquatic Centre and carry out Roads & Streetscape,Traffic Facilities, Stormwater,Buildings and Parks works.

The pool was shut down at the end of the season earlier in 2018.
The Development Application was determined in June 2018SCL001 DA - Ashfield Aquatic Centre
Panel Reference: 2018SCL001 DA
Type of Matter: Development Application
Planning Panel: Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel
LGA: Inner West Council
DA Number: 10.2017.249.1
Project Title: Ashfield Aquatic Centre
Project Description: Alterations and additions to Ashfield Aquatic Centre including demolition of existing pools and construction of new facilities

Media Release

More from Minutes 13 Nov

C1118(1) Item 14 Ashfield Aquatic Centre Construction Tender Recommendation
This matter was dealt in conjunction with Item 16.
C1118(1) Item 16 Ashfield Aquatic Centre Construction Tender Recommendation
Motion: (Drury/McKenna OAM)
Council endorse the final program and a final budget for Ashfield Aquatic Centre Redevelopment of $44,752,145;
A contract is awarded to FDC Construction for the construction of the Ashfield Aquatic Centre Redevelopment for the agreed amount of $37,250,432 which excludes the nominated value management items;
The final budget includes $1,500,000 in value management savings to be negotiated by officers;
Given the very significant public funding of the Ashfield pool and the importance of delivery and oversight of this project, that Council provide a monthly report to an Ordinary Council meeting until the project is delivered; and
Council to provide detail to its community about the decision and how it will be funded and why Council considers its funding feasible and secure, at the earliest opportunity. This should appear on Council’s website, the Inner West Courier, social media and other means.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Passas and Raciti
Councillor Passas left the Meeting at 7:58 pm.

C1018(2) Item 1 Financial Statements 2017/18
Motion: (Drury/Passas)
THAT Council:
1. Receives and notes the report; and
2. Endorses the Financial Statements to be placed on public exhibition, [MdC Amendment Bold}ensuring that the document is exhibited in an Accessible and readable form, with a view of tabling the final report at the November 2018 Council meeting.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Crs Iskandar and Passas

C1018(2) Item 5 Outcomes from the public exhibition of the Recreation Needs Study: A Healthier Inner West.
Motion: (McKenna OAM/Byrne)
1. Council endorse the Recreation Needs Study: A Healthier Inner West report;
2. The Recreation Needs Study: A Healthier Inner West report is used to inform the development of a Recreation Strategy, Section 7.11 Contributions Plan and other relevant Council planning documents;
3. All residents and stakeholders who expressed an interest are notified of Council’s decision and thanked for their contribution; and
4. That a further report, outlining the implementation timeline and funding options for the following priority actions within the study, be reported to Council in February 2019:
· Drafting of the recommended amendments to the Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan to encourage provision of recreation facilities in new developments;
· Confirmation of the timeline for completion of the artificial surfacing of sporting fields study;
· Identification of a laneway or laneways where a pilot activation of the space for recreational use can be undertaken;
· Increasing investment in the upgrades of pocket parks in areas identified as having relative open space deficiencies;
· Review of the potential for partnerships with schools to improve sporting facilities and to make them available outside of school hours for community sport;
· Providing a pilot nature based play space for children within an existing park; and
· An audit of lighting across Council sporting facilities to identify where new lighting could increase the use, capacity and safety of sporting fields.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr Iskandar
Amendment: (Da Cruz/Steer)
Amend point 1 to add “noting the need for good pedestrian and cycle access to a variety of diverse, socially cohesive, and inclusive and accessible, recreation activities including, but not limited to, Bushcare and Citizen Science (run/supported by Urban Ecology Team), Community Gardens (run by Parks and Gardens Team), Art and Craft (run by Arts & Community Services), as well as activities offered at Community facilities (run by Community Services & Libraries) such as Yoga, Dance, Martial Arts, Drumming, Book Clubs, Occasional Childcare; spaces for quiet contemplation, dog free green space, meeting places, bird watching and shopping, food, theatre, music and other entertainment, etc."

Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti and Stamolis
Absent: Cr Iskandar

C1018(2) Item 28 Notice of Motion: Pocket Park Upgrade
Motion: (Passas/Raciti)
THAT Council:
1. Upgrade the fencing, gate and playground equipment at the pocket park located at Elizabeth Street, Ashfield between Alt Street and Frederick Street, Ashfield with the funds from the Ashfield SRV Parks renewal fund; and
2. Repair the fencing, gate and playground equipment at the pocket park located at Elizabeth Street, Ashfield between Alt Street and Frederick Street, Ashfield.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Nil
Amendment (Hesse/Da Cruz)
THAT Council repair the fencing, gate and playground equipment at the pocket park located at Elizabeth Street, Ashfield between Alt Street and Frederick Street, Ashfield.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Lockie, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Macri, Passas and Raciti
Absent: Cr Kiat
As the Amendment was carried it was incorporated into the Primary Motion.
Clr Kiat re-entered to the meeting at 7.50pm

C1018(2) Item 2 Draft Dawn Fraser Baths Master Plan: Feedback from Public Exhibition
Motion: (Byrne/Macri)
THAT Council:
1. Council adopts the draft Dawn Fraser Baths Master Plan (ATTACHMENT 1);
2. All residents and stakeholders who made submissions during the public exhibition period be notified of Council’s determination;
3. The master plan be used to inform future capital upgrades at the Dawn Fraser Baths;
4. Note the funding commitment announced by the federal Opposition for a $2 million and the NSW Opposition for a $1 million contribution toward the heritage restoration of Dawn Fraser Baths and write to the Federal and NSW Governments seeking bipartisan support for these funding contributions;
5. Note that the final design plans for the Dawn Fraser Baths essential works are due to be reported to Council, with confirmation of final costs, in early 2019;
6. Include in the report with the final design plans a breakdown of which works and projects would be deferred under funding options 5 (redistribution of aquatic centre renewal funding) and 6 (redistribution of future Leichhardt s94 open space funding). Full details of the impacts of any funding reallocation on Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre, Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre and Ashfield Pool are to be disclosed in the report;
7. Notes that the recently identified urgent works for Dawn Fraser Baths are estimated to cost $6.7 million; of which $4.5 million is already funded;
8. Notes that given the heritage significance and uniqueness of the Dawn Fraser pool to NSW, and its use as a sporting and recreational facility, it has lodged a grant application for a $4.2 million Greater Sydney Sports Facility Grant of which part or all will be used to fund the pool;
9. In order to assure the community that these restoration works will proceed as soon as possible: brings forward the existing LTFP (years 5+) funding for Aquatic Centre Renewal to meet the $2.2 million funds required for the Dawn Fraser Pool restoration works;
10. Utilise funding from the Aquatic Centre Renewal (5+ years) should the Greater Sydney Sports Facility Grant not be successful;
11. Note that the Aquatic Centre Renewal funding for years 6 to 10 will therefore be reduced in the current budget but should be reviewed in 2019/20 and subsequent years with a view to reinstating these funds where reprioritisation of other capital projects permits; and
[Amendment in bokd MdC]12. Note that Elkington park is an established bush care site and that work on the site be undertaken in conjunction with the urban ecology team and that plants be sourced from the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery through early advice or the plant requirements.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Nil

C1018(2) Item 8 Zero Waste Strategy and Transition Plan for a common customer focussed resource recovery and waste management service
Motion: (McKenna OAM/Byrne)
THAT Council:
1. Note the proposed steps in developing the Zero Waste Strategy and Transition Plan;
2. Endorse the planned redesign over the next 12 – 18 months, of key resource recovery and waste management services to allow Council to transition to and establish a common Inner West domestic and commercial service;
3. Endorse the use of up to $200,000 from the Domestic Waste Management Reserve to fund the development of the Zero Waste Strategy and Transition Plan;
4. Note that a report/s on redesigned services for the following will be presented to Council for consideration in early-mid 2019/2020:
a. Kerbside domestic food and garden organics and landfill services,
b. Kerbside domestic recycling services,
c. Kerbside Household Clean Up including illegal dumping and other kerbside booked collections e.g. metals, white goods, mattresses,
d. Drop off services including e-waste, problem wastes, the weekend transfer station and Community Recycling Centre/s,
e. Reuse and Recycling Centre, and
f. Kerbside commercial services (recycling, organics and landfill).
5. Support the allocation of $10,000 from the domestic waste charge (currently within the resource recovery planning budget), over the next three years to partner with the UNSW on micro-recycling, to supplement and in accordance with Council’s previous resolution to immediately commence consideration of the option of the collaboration with industry and universities on recycling micro factories;
6. Consider releasing, at the next quarterly budget review $100,000 of the allocated funds for the Reuse and Recycling Centre from the Domestic Waste Reserve to allow this project to recommence its planning and design;
7. Include consideration of a pilot food and garden waste recycling service, to cover all households in the former Marrickville LGA, commencing when the current Marrickville LGA domestic waste contract concludes in June 2019. Options for establishing the pilot should be included in the next report to Council regarding the new contract;
8. Initiate public consultation events, to be held in all wards across the Municipality seeking community input on the development of the Zero Waste strategy, with the community engagement to be titled the Inner West War on Waste; and
9. Prepare a brief summary of best practice food recycling services provided across the local government sector, including links to any service reviews that have been conducted by councils or other organisations of these services. This should include reference to NSW Councils that have implemented, or are rolling out, a universal food recycling service. The summary should be limited in scope so as to allow it to be reported to Council in December 2018; and
10. Keep a reserve of bins from changeover and make them available to residents who have lost their bins, a maximum of three times only.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr Raciti
Amendment (Da Cruz/Porteous)
Amend point 6 to:
6. Develop a strategy to divert resources before they enter the waste stream by:
a) Increase recycling collection points at Council Premises to complement those provided by Businesses (eg for e-waste, styrofoam, batteries, mobile phones etc);
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and Stamolis
Absent: Cr Raciti

b) Ensure accommodation for enterprises which extend the life of products through repair and reuse (such as the Bower, Reverse Garbage, Dismantle (bikes), Newtown Bike Garden, Vinnies, Salvos);
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Kiat, Porteous and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and Stamolis
Absent: Cr Raciti
c) Advocate producer/distributer responsibility for end of life - encourage trade ins and take away old with delivery of new; and
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and Stamolis
Absent: Cr Raciti
d) Education package for real estate agents/property owners to provide to tenants.
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and Stamolis
Absent: Cr Raciti

Councillor Raciti returned to the Meeting at 8:48 pm.

C1118(1) Item 11 Notice of Motion: Lilyfield Road Trailer Parking
Motion: (Byrne/Drury)
THAT Council:
1. Install ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions (replacing unrestricted parking spaces only) on the southern side of Lilyfield Road between Denison Street and the Unnamed Laneway running parallel between Justin Street and Lamb Street, Lilyfield as soon as is practicable; and
2. Note that this section of southern Lilyfield Rd may be used as part of a future cycleway that may require removal of all parking to create a separated cycleway or other safe cycleway feature.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Cr Da Cruz
Absent: Crs Passas and Raciti

"Tuesday, 20 November 2018: Inner West Council has voted unanimously to nominate for heritage listing the iconic and much-loved The Crescent mural in Annandale, eight years after the idea was first mooted.
The mural was created in 1980 by artist Rodney Monk. The sprawling mural at has been described as ‘the peoples mural’."...

Styles/Leichhardt/Marion Sts Leichhardt, 3 & 10 November

street street

Streetscape Streetscape

Bower Annual Auction, 10 November 2018

street street street street

Hunter Baillie, Armistice Centenary Exhibition,Nov 10-11


Greenway Art Prize, 8 November 2018

People in Art Gallery People in Art Gallery

Westconnex Annandale Dive Site & Chrissy Cotter Gallery, 4 Nov 2018

woman with artwork woman with artwork woman with artwork unnel Vision - no westconnex street with pressed metal awning street with pressed metal awning street with pressed metal awning street with pressed metal awning

Marion St, Leichhardt. 3 November 2018

stuff dumped stuff dumped on verge poster for free trade markets

The morning after Halloween

pumpkin on compost heap

Hannaford Centre, Camera Group Exhibition, Leichhardt Library, 1 November

People in Library People in Library People in Library