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Annandale Remembers: Condolence Motions and Memorials

Antigone Kefala.

man planting tree group of people David at planting of memorial Anghorphra Costars (Sydney Redgum), in park across from 50 Railway Pd at 8am 21 July 2023 and joined by Community at 11am.
woman at mike Antigone Kefala at a public reading of her work drawing Max at Johnstons Creek canal, Annandale (Illustration by Warwick Hatton for Max) 2009

Minutes of Council Meeting - Tuesday, 14 March 2023
C0323(1) Item 1 Condolence Motion: Passing of Australian Poet Antigone Kefala Motion: (Da Cruz/Atkins)
1. That Council note the passing of Antigone Kefala.
2. That Council plant a tree in her memory in Annandale.
3. That Council ensure we have all her books in our library collection.
4. That Council support an exhibition at Leichhardt Library curated by her friend Beth Hatton.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil

Item No: C0323(1) Item 1
Subject: Condolence Motion: Passing of Australian Poet Antigone Kefala
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
1. That Council note the passing of Antigone Kefala.
2. That Council plant a tree in her memory in Annandale.
3. That Council ensure we have all her books in our library collection.
4. That Council support an exhibition at Leichhardt Library curated by her friend Beth Hatton./p>

At a time when the Federal Government is reviving support for the arts, and plans to appoint a Poet Laureate, it is poignant that in December 2022 the Inner West lost one of its most distinguished residents, with the death of poet and author Antigone Kefala.
Born in Romania to Greek parents, Kefala and her family fled after Soviet Occupation, first to Greece and on to New Zealand. Already literate in Romanian, French and Greek, Kefala then set about learning English, in which language she wrote from then on.
After moving to Australia, in 1960 Kefala bought her house in Annandale, and this is where she wrote all her books - five poetry collections, three novels, two children’s books and three collections of ‘journals’.
Recently Kefala achieved national honours, with the Judith Wright Calanthe Poetry Award in 2017 and the Patrick White Literary Award in 2022. She is the subject of two scholarly books as well as a conference held at the University of NSW.
“We met Antigone 44 years ago, when she was at the first peak of her career and often mentioned in the press. ‘The Bulletin’ had just published a big photograph of her stepping from a train, looking like a star in a European movie ! We greatly benefited from her enthusiastic support of our artistic careers, and she also became godmother to our daughter Ileana.” Warwick & Beth Hatton, Annandale.
“Antigone was a dear friend and neighbour for nearly 40 years who took a keen interest in local politics and community projects. In the 1980s and 1990s she supported the Save Rozelle Bay campaign to transform the industrial waterfront of Annandale into a regional park. She also spent many hours mentoring Barbara during her PhD studies. Two of our cats, including Max from her book Max The Confessions of a Cat, moved from our house to hers.” Beth & Barbara Buchanan.
“Antigone Kefala was a lifelong supporter of other artists and writers, especially culturally diverse people. That occurred in her work as Multicultural Arts Officer at the Australia Council but also in our experience of her as a friend, supporting the Kelly Street Kolektiv gallery in Ultimo that Hilik was involved in, the Sydney Poets Union that Anna was involved in and later The Shop Gallery that Anna and Hilik run in Glebe.” Anna Couani & Hilik Mirankar.


Victor Pinkerton

Friends and Family gathered at Victor's freshly planted Anghorphra Costars (Sydney Redgum) at 11am 21 July 2023 Victor at housing protests on Broadway, July 2022. Photo A. Chuter
C1222(1) Item 1 Condolence Motion: Victor Pinkerton Motion: (Da Cruz/Lockie) That Council write to Victor Pinkerton’s sister Georgie Beazley offering our condolences to his family and plant a tree in Annandale in Victor’s memory. Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil Source: Minutes of Council Meeting - Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Agenda of Council Meeting - Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Item No: C1222(1) Item 1
Subject: Condolence Motion: Victor Pinkerton
From: Councillors Marghanita Da Cruz and Pauline Lockie
Motion: That Council write to Victor Pinkerton’s sister Georgie Beazley offering our condolences to his family and plant a tree in Annandale in Victor’s memory.

Vale Victor George Pinkerton, 1953-2022
Victor was born at King George V Hospital, Camperdown and attended Cleveland Street Boys High. At 17, his family home in Ultimo/Pyrmont was resumed and demolished to make way for the Western Distributor.
The same year 1970 Victor commenced an electrical apprenticeship with the Sydney County Council (which later became AUSGRID). As a qualified electrician he went to Darwin to assist with the recovery from Cyclone Tracey(1974.)
He also worked on the adaptive reuse of the Queen Victoria Building and the Bondi Outfalls Project from 1988 to 1992. A staunch unionist he understood their limitations. Victor helped distribute the City Hub newspaper and deposit any spare copies where they were available to the Community. His Obituary in Green Left Weekly[1] also says he inherited his father’s values to “Treat others the way you’d like to be treated,” Victor helped feed people living under the viaducts in Wentworth Park. He also travelled the world and lived in Rio de Janiero teaching conversational English.
Victor lived on Johnston St Annandale and was a familiar sight on foot, at rallies and protests. But he also got around in an old car with a big boot.
Through an email newsletter Victor kept us informed of political shenanigans and entertained with his witty take on National, State and Local politics. His emails covered a myriad of issues including the ill effects of coal seam and coal mining, poor development at Mt Gilead which threatened koala habitat, the demolition of Willow grove at Parramatta, the sell-off of public housing, impact on the local community of Westconnex, council mergers, Bays West, the Manly ferry, water rights and even the “Malabar Poo Farm”.
Vale Victor George Pinkerton, 1953-2022...Green Left Orbituary: Vale Victor George Pinkerton, 1953-2022,Adrienne Shilling and Peter Hehir, November 16, 2022 Issue 1369...



Betty Mason

Plaque on seating outside St Aidan's. Photo Marghanita da Cruz Tree Planting Park, Railway Pde, Annandale
Photos David Lawrence, 16 June 2023

Council Meeting 10 May 2022
Item No: C0522(1) Item 21
Subject: Notice of Motion: Vale Betty Mason
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
Motion: That Council work with Betty Mason’s family and friends to install a Historical Marker, in an appropriate location, acknowledging Betty’s contribution to Annandale.

Betty Mason campaigned effectively to save much of the heritage of Annandale in the Leichhardt Municipality as well as improving the area with tree planting and parks.
Betty Mason co-founded the Annandale Association in 1969 when the “witches” houses were threatened with demolition, and worked with the National Trust to protect historic buildings in the area. The Association also defended Annandale from the expressways, which were planned to run through the suburb.
A resident action group was formed with Betty as secretary, Jeffrey Miles, a Sydney barrister who would later become Chief Justice of the ACT, anthropologist Nick Peterson and his wife Ros, and history student Alan Roberts. Objectives for the new Annandale Association were thrashed out at the Masons’ home.
Betty served as the Secretary of the Annandale Association from its inception until her passing in 2021. The Association guided popular walks, prepared “A plan for Annandale” and later published the Annandale Amble.
Alan Roberts later chose the creation of Annandale as a suburb for his history thesis. Betty assisted with the thesis by examining the certificates of title for every one of the many hundreds (perhaps thousands) of lots and then typed up the thesis.
A patchwork quilt was presented to Betty in recognition of her contribution to the community. Making the quilt was a secret project. Maureen, the “ring leader”, organised her husband to photograph a number of Annandale landmarks. The photographs were dropped in letterboxes across Annandale. Each of the women who received a photograph created a picture patch which Maureen collected and sewed to a green backing fabric. Betty described the quilt as “the creation of a number of local women”. Quilt in 2010 in Leichhardt Library.
The panels were
1. Annandale Association 10th Anniversary for Betty from her friends in Annandale;
2. The Abbey, Johnston Street Annandale;
3. Annandale House Gates, in the Grounds of Annandale Public School;
4. Kennilworth and Claremont (Witches houses), Johnston Street;
5. 289 Annandale Street;
6. Annandale Post Office;
7. Meeting of the Annandale Association, in the upstairs hall of the Annandale Chamber;
8. Hunter Baillie Church;
9. Haledon, 181 Annandale Street (oldest house in the group);
10. Betty holding the quilt presented to her on the 10th anniversary of the Association. Made in secret, the quilt featured 19 panels based on sketches by fabric designer Jill Carne. Photo Nick Lloyd, Annandale Association President in 1979.Rocky outcrop, Northern End of Annandale Street;Beale’s Piano Factory; 11. Piper Street Park;
12. Horse Trough at North Annandale Public School;
13. Goodmans Buildings (corner Johnston Street and Parramatta Road);
14. Aqueduct ;
15. Annandale Council Chambers (now neighbourhood centre);
16. Two of a Group of three Terraces Johnston Street, near intersection with Reserve St;
17. Josie, the Poet's House - a villa with stables in the backyard, where her husband Freddy kept trotters; and
18. A Corner Shop in Annandale
In 2010 Betty donated the quilt to the Local History Section of the Leichhardt (now Inner West) Library.

“Historical Marker - Commissioned to enhance understanding of the unique history and identity of people and events associated with the location. May include steel fabrication, engraved or pressed metal, based on 20 year + tenure.” - Inner West Memorial planting and plaques in parks and open spaces policy, viewed 25 April 2022

Source: Agenda 10 May 2022
C0522(1) Item 21 Notice of Motion: Vale Betty Mason
Motion: (Da Cruz/Stamolis)
That Council work with Betty Mason’s family and friends to install a Historical Marker, in an appropriate location, acknowledging Betty’s contribution to Annandale.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
Minutes at

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Liz Butterworth

Item No: C0818(1) Item 24
Agenda of Council Meeting - 14 August 2018
C0818(1) Item 24 Notice of Motion: Condolence Motion Vale Liz Butterworth
Subject: Notice of Motion: condolence motion Vale Liz Butterworth
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
Motion: THAT Council write a letter of condolence to the family of Liz Butterworth.

Liz Butterworth was a committed and tireless worker for our community for many years. Liz was one of the founding members of No WestConnex Annandale. She was strongly focused on informing the community about the impacts of WestConnex and the need for real investment in public transport in Sydney. She embraced the cause of stopping WestConnex with great dedication and passion and organised public meetings, pop up protests, information leaflets, newspapers and very successful rallies and marches. Liz worked closely with many of the Councillors of the former Councils of Leichhardt, Marrickville and Ashfield and with many local community groups as an advocate for her community and against the terrible impacts of the WestConnex tollway.
Liz was also a gifted and highly respected local English teacher who loved her work and students.
Even when she was not feeling well, Liz kept organising and working hard for her community.
Liz worked so hard and did so much. She gave generously of her time and energy to the No WestConnex Public Transport campaign. She was a real local hero and she will be greatly missed by many.

Minutes of Extraordinary Council Meeting - 21 August 2018
C0818(2) Item 19 Notice of Motion: Condolence Motion Vale Liz Butterworth
Motion: (Da Cruz/Porteous)
THAT Council write a letter of condolence to the family of Liz Butterworth.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Crs Passas and Raciti

Edward (Ted) Floyd

Ted Floyd Way

C0218 Item 13 Notice of Motion: Ted Floyd Way
Item No: C0218 Item 13
Subject: Notice of Motion: Ted Floyd Way
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
1. Council name the path through the White’s Creek wetlands in Lilyfield, "Ted Floyd Way".
2. The budgetary implications of this resolution be considered at the next quarterly budget review.
Ted Floyd was a resident of Coulon Street Rozelle for over 40 years.
Around 1986, Ted was invited to be a member of the Leichhardt Council Transport Committee.
There he raised concerns about pollution from cars and advocated for pedestrian safety. As a result of his advocacy, 40km speed limits were introduced on the Balmain Peninsula.
In the 1990s, Ted took his advocacy to the Environment and Planning Committee meetings.
Working for Friends of the Earth, Ted produced pamphlets on Solar Hot Water and passive solar design. In 1994, Ted's strong advocacy helped Leichhardt Council to mandate Solar hotwater, natural ventilation and passive solar design for new buildings in planning instrument DCP17. These policies were a first in Australia (and the world) and had to overcome opposition from Energy providers Sydney Electricity & AGL.
Ted was proudest of his part in the creation of White's Creek Wetlands in 2002. Ted identified the Sydney Water owned site and then championed the project through organisational and community resistance. Though the original purpose of the wetlands was to remove pollutants and nutrients from storm water running off the streets, Ted believed it could also play a very important role in education and community awareness of our natural environment. The wetlands are now home to Turtles and Frogs. Ted embraced any and every way to communicate his ideas, including the printed word, art, poetry, websites, blogs, journal articles, letters to the editor, emails to council and government officers and to members of parliament and ministers.
Ted's words on transpiration and evapotranspiration by trees was picked up in Wikipedia and translated into Thai, Telagu, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and possibly other languages.
There are two more recent contributions, Ted made to our community:
- Successfully advocated for the removal of advertising panels from the bus shelters on Victoria Road to improve pedestrian safety, and
- As a Soil Scientist he critically reviewed the soil contamination report for the orchard in Whites Creek Valley to pin point contamination for capping and so increasing the land available to plant trees.
Ted passed in hospital after being found injured on a footpath in Rozelle in 2017.
This motion has the support of Ted’s sister Robyn Floyd, Annandale Resident, David Lawrence and Friends of White’s Creek’s Gillian Leahy.
Officer’s Comments:
Comment from Group Manager Trees, Parks and Sports Fields:
The implementation of this motion will require preparing a submission to the Geographical Names Board and associated consultation and will take approximately 14 hours of staff time and if approved $5,000 for signage. This will delay the preparation of the IWC Sporting Ground Allocation Policy.


Minutes of Council Meeting - 25 July 2017
Item No: C0717 Item 3
Subject: Administrator's Condolence Motion: The Late Edward (Ted) Floyd
File Ref: 17/4718/80820.17
From Richard Pearson, Administrator
THAT Council:-
1. Acknowledges the significant contributions made by Ted Floyd; and
2. In consultation with the Mr Floyd’s family, investigate options to remember Ted. This could include a bench or seat in a local park, a tree or other suitable memorial.
It is with sadness that Council notes the recent passing of environmentalist and researcher Ted Floyd, who created the original concept for Whites Creek Wetland in Annandale in the mid-1990s.
Mr Floyd died in May. He was walking near his house on Gordon Street Rozelle, when a car backed out of a driveway and hit him.
He had lived in Rozelle for more than 40 years and worked as a scientist with the Department of Agriculture.
Upon his retirement, he focused his energy into helping the local area.
He worked with Leichhardt Council on solar energy and conservation projects and, ironically and sadly, was also a pedestrian safety activist.
He was also an active member of Friends of the Earth.
Source Agenda of Council Meeting - 25 July 2017

C0717 Item 3 Administrator's Condolence Motion: The Late Edward (Ted) Floyd
THAT Council:-
1. Acknowledges the significant contributions made by Ted Floyd; and
2. In consultation with the Mr Floyd’s family, investigate options to remember Ted. This could include a bench or seat in a local park, a tree or other suitable memorial.
Source Minutes of Council Meeting 25 July 2017