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1913- | See Corner of Collins and Trafalgar Street,Annandale |
1913 | Henry KnightAt Annandale close to Tram "KNIGHTSBRIDGE," COLLINS, and TRAFALGAR STREETS, compact, detached, Brick COTTAGE, slate, roof, 10ft verandahs on three sides, glassed-in and venetianed; 3 very large reception-rooms, 5 bedrooms, kitchen, etc, and every conceivable convenience. GARAGE, STABLING, ETC.TORRENS TITLE. 92 x 153. Garden and Lawn. AN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BUILT AND DESIRABLE HOME. Apply MARSHALL and DEMPSTER,112 Pitt-street, opp. G.P.O. - The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 17 December 1913 (page 14) "Death, KNIGHT, October 30, 1913, at his late residence Knightsbridge, 3 Collins Street, Annandale. Henry Knight late of Erskinville aged 67 years suddenly" - The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 31 October 1913 page 8 KNIGHT -In fond Remembrance of my dear husband Henry Knight, who died (suddenly) at his residence Knightsbridge Collins-stret Annandale October TO 1913 Loving thoughts last for ever Never forgotten his devoted wife M J Knight |
1911 | Allen and Adele Taylor, Wootton"The Commission did not need to conclusively define the market to reach a view on this issue. The most relevant market is one (defined narrowly) for green-sawn hardwood timber products in south-eastern Australia. The market (defined narrowly) for hardwood timber flooring in eastern mainland Australia was also considered." - Allen Taylor & Company Ltd (a Boral subsidiary) proposed to acquire J & JL Davis Pty Ltd (May 2005) "Allen Taylor History "GLEBE LIGHTING...INTERESTING EXPERIMENT. GAS AND ELECTRICITY..The Mayor of the Glebe, Alderman Artlett, presided. The Lord Mayor, Sir Allen Taylor, the town clerk, and the electrical engineer of the City Council were present to represemt the City Council, which is supplying the current. Mr. Lukey (secretary) represented the Australian Gaslight Company, which has lighted the Glebe for many years, and is still to continue the contract for all streets outside the main thoroughfares.... Election of Alderman Allen Arthur Taylor as Lord Mayor of Sydney, 1909. |
1896-circa 1907 (Source: Annandale Association > Sands) |
No 57 Schedule of Historic Buildings in Annandale (February 1973) Annandale Association. See also Allen Taylor and the Annandale Borough PEN PORTRAITS OF PUBLIC MEN. "Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of Time." -Longfellow. SIR ALLEN TAYLOR, K.B... He learnt something of the value and usefulness of timber, tools, and railway material;, some thing of the number of men, horses, plant, etc., which were required to prepare the ground in flat or hilly country for the laying down of a mile of railway in a given period; he learnt to diagnose the characters of men and the value of their labour, and to know that some work better while the "boss" is looking on; and lie learnt to know well the work required, of himself and to do it to the satisfaction of all concerned... In 1894, after a trip to the West Australian goldfields he was induced to accept a nomination for aldermanic honours at Annandale....Queanbeyan Age 1 December 1911 page 4 While working for the Government Railways, George Julius conducted a series of tests on timber and wrote a handbook entitled Physical Characteristics of the Hardwoods of Western Australia published in 1906. He followed this with the publication of Physical Characteristics of the Hardwoods of Australia, published in 1907. The new steamship Pyrmont, the latest addition to the fleet of Messrs. Allen Taylor and Co., arrived at the Manning River at 11.30 a.m. yesterday on her maiden trip from Sydney.... - The Sydney Morning Herald... Thursday 19 February 1903, page 8. "It is understood that Mr. Allen Taylor, of Annandale, New South Wales, has made a private offer to Victor Trumper which has secured his services for that colony" - The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864-1933) Thursday 14 August 1902 page 5 Though identifed as 1900 in catalogue, this map is probaby earlier as it shows the original subdivisions. It is worth noticing the bridge on parramatta road over Whites Creek. Also, Wells Street is shown, where it did not exist on the 1890 map "Plan of north Annandale [cartographic material] : municipality of Leichhardt / the property of the Sydney Freehold, Land, Building & Investment Coy. Ltd., W. Pritchard & Son, auctioneers, 100 King St., Sydney." "Our Guests" referring in appropriate terms to the excellent manner in which Mayor Taylor had occupied the mayoral chair two years in succession. He concluded by presenting them with a handsomely illuminated address, in which was the photo of the Mayor, views of the town hall, the Mayor's residence, post and telegraph office, Annandale and appropriate Australian floral ornamentations. the address which was prepared at the establishment of John Sands, Sydney, was a work of art. - ...February 12th, 1896...Election of Mayor... for Ald john young Aldermen Ferris, Wells, Francis , Ridge, Gutherie and Young 6 for Ald Allan Taylor Aldermen Smith, Broad, Taylor, Horton and Dwyer 5.....election of works and sanitary committee....Ferris, Taylor Ridge and Dwyer....Finance committee Gutherie, Broad,Wells, Francis...amendment that [Finance] committee exist of whole of council was lost. Lighting laws committee general purposes committee......August 7th 1900...The retiring mayor stated that he had great pleasure in informing Alderman Wells that he had been unanimously elected... - Annandale Borough Council Minutes Houses in Annandale, where connected to the Sewer between 1895 and circa 1900... more According to the Annandale Association's Register of Buildings (Leichhardt Library Local History Section), Woodland House was built in 1886 - however, this conflicts with an SMH 1890 advertisement for "undeveloped unencumbered land at Corner Block, Collins and Trafalgar streets". The Annandale association record says it was renamed to Wooten in 1890 - "a well proportioned stuccoed Itallianate brick villa or historical significance because of its association with Taylor". The building is ununusal as it has a brick balcony and ironwork. The stucco is an Arts and Crafts feature and the balcony appears to be a forerunner of the later wooden decorated federation balconies. Wooten, Collins Street corner Trafalgar before 1899 was on the recorded list, in the National Trust Register, prior to 1980. These items are being reviewed individually by the Trust to determine whether they qualify for classification - National Trust Register As at January 1, 1982. However, the confusion about the date of the home could be due to the Taylors moving to it in 1894 not 1886 (when they got married at the Hunter Baillie Temporary [red brick] church (Sunday School hall) - Hunter Baillie 121 Anniversary Service)..."Moving to Sydney about 1882, he [Allen Taylor] attended night-school while working for railway contractors. He was a clerk when he married Adela Mary Elliott, daughter of a late coach proprietor on 19 June 1886 with" Presbyterian forms at Annandale. - Adela must have been Robert Forster's step daughter. Tenders accepted:...Department of Public Works...Allen Taylor Annandale construction of wharf on eastern side Wolloomooloo - The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 16 May 1894 Page 3 "THE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS' ASSOCIATION. Sir Allen Taylor founded his firm of timber growers, merchants and sawmill proprietors of Rozelle, N.S.W. in 1893. At one time the firm was also a shipowner. - Allen Taylor and Company Limited - records, 1893-1969 (SLNSW) In 1873, John Young had become the founding president of the Builders' and Contractors' Association of New South Wales ( The federated associations were to later become the Master Builders Association see Extract from the minutes of the first meeting of the Federated Builders and Contractors' Association of Australasia, November 1890 "Moving to Sydney about 1882, he [Allen Taylor] attended night-school while working for railway contractors. He was a clerk when he married Adela Mary Elliott, daughter of a coach proprietor, on 19 June 1886 with Presbyterian forms at Annandale. Bate changed his surname to Taylor some time between 1890 and 1895." - The death occurred last night of Lady Adela Mary Taylor, wife of Sir Allen Taylor, at her residence at Forster, Lang Road, Centennial Park. Lady Taylor was 68 years of age. Sir Allen Taylor; who is an alderman of the City Council, and a former Lord Mayor, is at present on a trip abroad. The funeral will take place tomorrow, and Interment will be made in the Church of England section of the Rookwood Cemetery. - The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 5 May 1924 page 10 Death of Robert Forster"THE FRIENDS of the late Mr. ROBERT FORSTER are kindly invited to attend his Funeral, which move from his late residence, Wootton, No.1 Collins-street, Annandale, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at a quarter past 1 o'clock, for Mortuary station, and thence to Rookwood Cemetery. WOOD and COMPANY, Undertakers. KnighthoodA wide field has been covered in the honours conferred by his Majesty King George V. in connection with the Coronation celebrations.... SIR ALLEN TAYLOR, K.B. Few men owe less to early social or educational advantages, and few have been more successful in overcoming difficulties and in rising to a position of eminent usefulness. After filling responsible positions with several railway contractors and trying his fortune in Western Australia for some time, he settled down to be a contractor on his own account, and married the daughter of Mr. Robert Forster at the early age of 23... - "IN THE HONOURS LIST." The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) 21 Jun 1911: 18. Web. 2 Apr 2011. Marriages...BATE-ELLIOT.-June 10, at Annandale, by the Rev. PF Mackenzie, Allen Arthur, third son of the late John Bate, of Wagga Wagga, to Adela Mary, only daughter of tho late Robert Elliot, of Penrith. - 1886 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 July, p. 1, viewed 21 January, 2012, |
1882-1893 |
Pritchard's PaddockThe 3 Collins Street land title shows a transfer of the property from a John Lauder - Balmain Builder and to Jane Miller in 1893. "St Paul's Prebyterian Church, Balmain West, was the scene of a wedding on 11th inst, when Mr John W. Walker Tulloch, eldest son of Mr Robert Tulloch, Pyrmont, was married to Mis Euphemia Agnes Lauder, third daughter of Mr John Lauder of Balmain...The presents were displayed in the library and were numerous and costly." - The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 21 April 1906 Page 11 "TO BUILDERS, INVESTORS, and PERSONS in Search of Sites for first-class Residences. W. PRITCHARD'S well-known PADDOCK. at the corner of COLLINS AND TRAFALGAR STREETS NORTH ANNANDALE will be sold in subdivision on the GROUND on SATURDAY NEXT APRIL 22nd at 3 o'clock on EXTREMELY LIBERAL TERMS, and ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE, by W. PRITCHARD AND SON. Every lot perfectly drained and possessing a back lane surrounded by the best houses on North Annandale, and opposite the Annandale Post-ofice. Plans at the Rooms, 100 King-street." - SMH Thursday 20 April 1893 Consequent of Mr. W. PRITCHARD..he has decided to dispose of, to the highest bidder at auction only (no private offers entertained), the following described UNIMPROVED AND UNEMCUMBERED LANDS. Titles all under Torrens Act, Certificates of open to Inspection at room. These properties as will be seen, comprise some of the most valuable Surburban Lots in or about Sydney. They were all judiciously selected by the owner, which fact is sufficent guarantee of their favourable positions in relation to present value and use and future development..... ANNANDALE Corner Block, Collins and Trafalgar streets. Allotment having a frontage of 45ft Collins street, by side frontage along Trafalgar Street of 132 ft. Plan of north Annandale municipality of Leichhardt / the property of the Sydney Freehold, Land, Building & Investment Co. Ltd., W. Pritchard & Son, auctioneers, 100 King St., Sydney -NLA Sales plan for north Annandale. (1890) -NLA Property Sales: Richardson and Wrench.... Mr. N. Briney: lots 2 and 4, sec. 6 of North Annandale Estate, fronting Collins and Trafalgar street 195 feet frontage, £900 - Mr W Pritchard - The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 23 September 1882 Page of 21 Plan of north Annandale [cartographic material] / W. Pritchard, auctioneer, 281 George Street |
circa 1888 | Woodlands the Residence of Robert Forster
| Last updated 15 May 2014.