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"Minutes Of The Building & Development Council Meeting of Leichhardt Council held in the Council Chambers at Leichhardt Town Hall, Norton Street, Leichhardt on 9 November 2010....
Agenda Item 23
Traffic Modelling for 69-73 Parramatta Road Annandale
Clr Parker absent for discussion
No report tabled. That a briefing be held for Councillors on 23 November 2010 at 6pm.
CARRIED - 09112010-min.pdf (978kB)
"two marked pedestrian crossings will be placed at the intersection of Trafalgar Street and Collins Street outside St Brendan's School. I understand we are awaiting confirmation of lighting design from Energy Australia and to liaise with another street lighting project outside Annandale Public School where the existing school crossing is being upgraded to a marked pedestrian crossing in Trafalgar Street." - Traffic Manager Leichhardt Municipal Council (1 October 2010)
Electronic and Human Counters were seen outside the Annandale PO, at the corner of Booth and Johnston Streets; and at the roundabout at the intersection of Nelson and Booth on the afternoon of Thusday 23 September 2010, the day before school broke up for the holidays.
From: "Kogoy, Daniel (Councillor)"
Sent: Thu, 16 September, 2010 9:38:03 PM
Subject: Traffic Study
Dear all,
Below is what Council resolved at Tuesday's Building and Development meeting on options for a traffic study along with detail from staff on the study to be undertaken. The report from Tuesday is also attached. Please note that the final cost of the traffic study is a little more than what the report says due to the extra detail requested. Special thanks to the Precinct Davids for waiting patiently for three hours to speak to this item.
Let me know if you have any queries.
Agenda Item 19
Address:69-73 Parramatta Road, ANNANDALE
Description:Traffic Report
BDC /10
Adopt option 2 in the officers report circulated 13th September 2010 with the addition of Saturday morning counts as the preferred traffic analysis option and the funding to be provided by the applicant and a further report to be provided to the next September ordinary meeting.
The traffic study that Council has commissioned GTA to conduct is the $46,000 (+GST) Paramics micro-simulation model, this model will include:
* Counts at 9 locations:
- Parramatta Road with Johnston Street, Trafalgar Street, Nelson Street and Bridge Road
- Albion Street with Johnston and Trafalgar Streets
- Trafalgar Street with Collins and Booth Streets
- And site access (Parramatta Road and Trafalgar Street)
* The Counts will cover
- Thursday 7.00am - 9.30am
- Thursday 2.30pm - 6.30pm
- Saturday 10.00am - 1.00pm
The study will also consider:
* Kerbside Parking Supply
* Any existing off-street parking supply
* Thursday PM peak parking demand
* Public transport accessibility and any bicycle facilities
* The likely traffic and parking demand to be generated by the development
* Proposed site layout
* Service vehicle routes
* Traffic impact on sensitive land uses in the area
The study team will then build a Paramics model for Thursday (AM & PM) and Saturday (10.00am - 1.00pm) based on RTA's model then integrate the network encompassing the area bounded by Booth Street, Johnston Street,Nelson Street and Parramatta Road (between Johnston Street and Bridge Road). They will then load the model with the proposed development's likely traffic generation and interpret the impact of the extra traffic.
GTA have also included the opportunity for them to suggest mitigating measures that could be instituted to reduce the development's traffic impact.
This page last Updated: 26 November 2010.