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Hi Marghanita da Cruz,
Today is decision day. Make sure you are their tonight at 6pm at Leichhardt Town Hall To express support the council’s recommendation of rejecting the proposal.
1. The time has come:
There is less than a week to go before the meeting to decide about Woolies. The JRPP meeting where the FINAL decision will be made is on 15th December 6pm at Leichhardt town hall.
2. You can make a difference just by being there:
The numbers of people that attend will show how much people care. It's Christmas and life is busier than at any other time of the year. However, it’s probably also the reason why Woolies have pushed for the decision to be made now and not next year.
3. The council has recommended the rejection of the proposal basically because IT'S TOO BIG - but that doesn’t stop the JRPP disregarding the councils recommendation.
4. So Register to be heard at the JRPP meeting:
Email the JRPP Panel Secretariat at or Phone: (02) 9383 2121: You will need to reference DA D/2010/408
5. Prepare:
You will be limited to 3 mins each so focus on your main issue and tell it with a passion.
On Saturday, we will be running a stand in Annandale Village to provide more information. Come by, say hi and find out more. Tell your friends and neighbours about it so they too can know the impact that this development will have on our entire community.
Otherwise, let's see you there on Wednesday 15th. The impact that you can have as an individual is enormous. Don't leave it to others to influence the future of our community
6 December Flyers
| Say No to Woolies JRPP Meeting Wednesday 15th of December 6pm Leichhardt Town Hall Posters(7 December 2010)![]() ![]() |
Update on Woolworths & JRPP - 3 December 2010 07:24Hi there On the night Below is a link to a 4-page outline of what happens Leichhardt Council's recommendation will be published on 8th December on their website. We'll send an email summary so you can be fully prepared before the meeting. Preparing what you want to say Registering to speak Registrations open the week before the meeting, we will forward you details on how to register next week. Once again, thank you for your support and determination. Please book the evening of 15th December and make sure the JRPP see and hear you say no to the Annandale Woolworths. Regards | |
Save Annandale Village (Email Update on Woolworths at Annandale 25/11/10 20:33)Hi there 6pm Wednesday 15th December [2010]We know it's inconvenient - right in the middle of Christmas shopping and parties - but maybe that's the point: to make it harder for the community to put forward its rejection of the proposal. Let's make sure we're there to show how much the Annandale community rejects the Woolworth’s proposal. One and Only Chance This is it. Our last chance to be heard. There is no formal appeal process once the JRPP have decided. After the JRPP, the only recourse is through the courts. And Woolworths probably have deeper pockets than us. If you want your opinion to be heard, please ensure you come to the meeting. If nothing else, your attendance demonstrates to the committee your rejection of the proposal. What happens next Council's view.Over the past few weeks, the proposal has been amended following feedback from the council......sadly the amendments are minimal and have largely ignored the council's requests. The council is due to share its view on the proposal one week before the JRPP meeting. We'll provide you with a summary of their report when it's published. VenueThe venue for the meeting is Leichardt Town Hall On the 15thTo speak at the meeting, you'll need to register beforehand. To make sure you have all the necessary information, we'll let you know precisely what to do in a future email. Keeping you updated - Thursday emails Much will happen in the coming weeks. To make sure you know exactly what's happening we'll be sending weekly emails on Thursdays. You can also join us on Facebook!/pages/Save-Annandale-Village-SAV/152283958127274. - we'll be continuing to give updates on there as well. Please feel free to forward any emails or comments to your friends and family in the community. It's important that we encourage as many people to share their opinion on the Wednesday 15th meeting. Once again, thanks for your ongoing support. Regards | |
Many thanks to those of you who made it to the council meeting on Monday night. Over 220 people attended and unanimously agreed to a motion blocking the Woolies proposal. So far, more than 1,600 people have signed the petition against the proposal. And almost 290 people have written to the council stating their objections. No Appeal after the JRPP. One chance to stop the proposal The next stop is the JRPP meeting. No date has been set yet, but it will be some time after November 11th. This meeting is critical if we’re to stop the proposal. There is no appeal. So it’s our one and only chance to ensure our voice is heard. Public opinion really does make a difference. Written submissions made by residents, together with the sheer volume of people attending the public meeting, were crucial in swaying the opinions of the JRPP during the recent Tigers development in Leichhardt. And the great thing is, the council are still accepting written submissions. What you can do to be heard You’ll find helpful guide paragraphs on our!/pages/Save-Annandale-Village-SAV/152283958127274 or on the below at the end of this email. Once we know the date for the JRPP meeting, we’ll let you know. But as the Mayor said on Monday, please try and spare the time to attend, it really will help to make a difference. The consequence if we don’t take action – 4,000 cars and heavy trucks travelling along our streets – is not something any of us want to wake-up to. Thank you for your support. Together our objections will be heard and it will make a difference. Save Annandale Village Increased traffic congestionWith space for more than 100 cars, the proposed site will send trucks and increased car traffic along residential roads, such as Albion and Trafalgar Streets, neither of which are main roads. It will also increase traffic along Nelson, Booth and Johnston Streets adding congestion, especially on the weekend when all are already busy. Increased traffic dangerThe superstore will force large trucks past two schools and a play centre increasing danger for both children and pedestrians in the area, including many elderly people. Booth Street already has regular accidents, despite the recent introduction of a traffic calming roundabout. This proposal will only add pressure to already dangerous roads. Increased noise and air pollutionOperating 17 hours a day, from 7am to midnight, this superstore will effectively be constantly open. There will be a significant increase in exhaust fume pollution. The increased traffic including large trucks unloading and picking up rubbish will introduce significant noise pollution to currently quiet residential streets. Inappropriate designAnnandale is rightly proud of its heritage. When it comes to planning consent for private properties, Leichhardt Council is incredibly strict in conserving the integrity of the area. That same rigour must be applied to a commercial proposal that contravenes the council’s own floor space restrictions. The design itself, a brown box, is out of keeping with a conservation area as well as impinging directly on its neighbours. Impact on Local storesAlready fully served by large supermarkets in Leichhardt and Broadway, one of the attractions of Annandale is the range of independent stores. It helps add to the local community feel. It’s also seen several of our retailers voted amongst the best in Sydney. This diversity and focus on service would be lost with the introduction of a large destination store from one of Australia’s conglomerates. | |
SAV Flyer handed out at 11 October 2010 MeetingHave Your Say at the Joint Regional Planning Panel HearingThe Joint Regional Planning Panel hearing will be the opportunity for Leichhardt Council to present its objections to the proposed Woolworths development. When will this Meeting be Held?The date and timing has not been announced. We will notify you as soon as we know. How Can I Get Involved in this Meeting?You can have your say at the meeting, but you must first register with the JRPP prior to the meeting. Again, details on this will be communicated as soon as we know. Can I Speak at the Meeting?Yes, but you must first register with the panel A number of other concerned residents will wish to speak so it's important that you're brief and to the point. You'll also be allocated a maximum of three minutes to speak. We recommend that you focus on three key areas that will have the most impact with the JRPP. For more information or to be kept informed, about the process, email | |
Save Annandale Village (Email 30/09/10 19:36)Residents concerns with DA 2010/408 are: Increased traffic congestion Increased traffic danger Increased noise and air pollution Inappropriate design Impact on Local stores | |
(Save Annandale Village Update Flyer 15 September 2010) SAY NO TO WOOLIES: SAVE ANNANDALE VILLAGEWith Woolworths' superstore having been formally submitted for planning permission, now's the time to make sure your voice is heard. Leichhardt Council support blocking this development and are keen to hear from the community, either at a public meeting or through your written objections. Five reasons why Woolworths' proposal is inappropriate
Your voice definitely countsLeichhardt Council does listen. Local opposition to the Balmain Tiger's development was acknowledged and the proposal was rejected. We all just need to share our point of view You'll find address details inside. You can also find more information on our Facebook page. Please search for Save Annadale Village and become a friend. SAY NO TO WOOLIES: YOUR VOICE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCEWoolworths' proposed Annandale supermarket has been formally submitted to Leichhardt Council. If you want to preserve Annandale's local community atmosphere and reject a 17 hours-a-day superstore, now's the time to make sure your voice is heard. Here's all the information you need to help Save Annandale Village and ensure the various planning consent bodies have all they need to reject the proposal. When is the next key date?On 22nd September Leichhardt Council is holding a , public consultation meeting to discuss the application. The meeting will be held at 7pm at Leichhardt Town Hall – on the corner of Norton and Marion Streets, Leichhardt. What will happen?The Council will discuss Woolworths' submission, a detailed copy of which is on public display for 30 days from 9th September. They will invite members of the local community to share their concerns and opposition to the proposal. What can you do to be heard?Attend the meeting on the 22nd September and write to the council. | If you have any concerns about having a 17-hour-a-day superstore in Annandale, it's essential that Leichhardt Council hears them. Nothing beats attending the council meeting on the 22nd; but personal letters and emails will make a powerful statement. We've put some draft paragraphs together- please feel free to borrow from them if it helps. 1. Increased traffic congestionWith space for more than 100 cars, the proposed site will send trucks and increased car traffic along residential roads, such as Albion and Trafalgar streets, neither of which are main roads. It will also increase traffic along Booth and Johnston Streets adding congestion, especially on the weekend when both are already busy. 2. Increased traffic dangerThe superstore will force large trucks past two schools increasing danger for both children and pedestrians in the area, including many elderly people. Booth Street already has regular accidents, despite the recent introduction of a traffic calming roundabout. This proposal will only add pressure to already dangerous roads. 3. Increased noise and air pollutionOperating 17 hours a day, from 7am to midnight, this superstore will effectively be constantly open. There will be a significant increase in exhaust fume pollution. The increased traffic including large trucks will introduce significant noise pollution to currently quiet residential streets. 4. Inappropriate designAnnandale is righly proud of its heritage. When it comes to planning consent for private properties, Leichhardt Council is incredibly strict in conserving the integrity of the area. The same rigour must be applied to a commerical proposal that contravenes the council\s own floor space restrictions. The design itself, a brown box, is out of keeping with a conservation area as well as impinging directly on its neighbours. 5. Impact on Local storesAlready fully served by large supermarkets in Leichhardt and Broadway, one of the attractions of Annandale is the range of independent stores. It helps adds to the local community feel. It's also seen several of our retailers voted amongst the best in Sydney. This diversity and focus on service would be lost with the introduction of a large destination store from one of Australia's conglomerates. Where to send your letter/emailUse the Heading:
Save Annandale Village - who are we?We're a group of local residents. We understand the proposed site on the corner of Parramatta Road and Trafalgar Street needs to be developed. We just don't believe that a Woolworth's superstore is the right development. If you share our concerns and would like to stay informed on what's happening send us an email to We'll send you a regular update email together with how you can get involved and make sure your voice is heard. You can also keep up to date online. Become a friend of Save Annandale Village on Facebook and you'll find all the information you need. All you need to do is search our name in Facebook. |
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Save Annandale VillageLocal Residents & Council concerned Woolie Mammoth will trample Annandale Register your dissension via email to or send a letter to PO Box 282 Camberdown 1450, so we [the action group] can keep you informed and involved.
There is a proposal for Woolworths to develop a multi-level supermarket and residential units at the corner of Paramatta Road and Trafalgar Street, Annandale. Proposed hours of operation wil be 7am to midnight. Many local residents are against this development but it will affect all of us in the community. Our concerns are:
To see what you can do to help stop this development please see the reverse of this page: (please read other side [above] first)
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This page last Updated: 15 December 2010.