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People at Town Hall People at Town Hall People at Town Hall People at Town Hall People at Town Hall People at Town Hall People at Town Hall

Proposal for a Woolworths Store at the corner of Trafalgar Street and Parrammatta Road

Minutes of the Sydney East Joint Regional Planning Panel Meeting Held at Leichhardt Town Hall on Wednesday 15th December At 6pm

"3. Public Submissions
Geoff Bonus - on behalf of applicant-architect of project
Addressed the panel for the proposal and addressed some issues raised in the council assessment report.

4.Business Item Recommendations
2010SYE060 - Leichhardt - D/2010/408 - Demolition of structures, construction of mixed use development (supermarket & 10 dwellings) with basement parking, strata subdivision & remediation - 69-73 Parramatta Road, ANNANDALE.

1) The Panel resolves unanimously to refuse the application for the following reasons:

  1. The arrangements for servicing are unsatisfactory. They require trucks to cross the centre line of Trafalgar Street. They require trucks leaving the site and turning into Parramatta Road to wait until three lanes are without traffic. The proposal will cause unsatisfactory queueing of cars in Trafalgar Street.
  2. The internal arrangement at basement level are unsatisfactory because they do not comply with the Australian standards. The driveway design will not prevent flooding.
  3. The apartments in the rear have an unacceptable impact overlooking and visually overpowering the adjoining small-scale residential development. The residental component of the proposal does not provide a transition between the supermarket and the small-scale residential development.

2)The Panel has considered the applicant's request to defer the application but concluded against this course of action, as any amended proposal would be significantly different from the existing and require re-exhibition, so that deferral would not provide the applicant with any benefit compared to lodging a new application.

The meeting concluded at 7.28pm ..."
Source: Endorsed JRPP Minutes.pdf 16 December 2010(204KB PDF viewed 21 Dec 2010)

What happens after the JRPP Meeting?

"The minutes of the Regional Panel meeting are required to be finalised within five (5) working days. Minutes, which include details of any determination and other relevant information, when confirmed and endorsed, will be available on the Regional Panel website.

The details of any determination will be provided to the council to issue the Notice of Determination. The Notice of Determination is issued by the council that received the development application in accordance with the EP&A Act and Regulation and the council’s normal procedures...

Appeals against Regional Panel determinations are to be defended and managed by the council that received the development application. Early advice of any appeals should be provided to the Panel Secretariat together with details about the council’s proposed defence..."

Source: Fact Sheet 4 How does the Regional Panel determine an application? What is the procedure after the regional panel meeting? (PDF 315KB)

JRPP Unanimously Rejects Woolies DA, Leichhardt Town Hall, 15 December 2010

Chair John Roseth advised that the panel [Margaret Lyons (Leichhardt Corporate Counsel), Tim Moore, John Roseth ,Mary-Lynne Taylor, Jamie Parker (Mayor Leichhardt)] would invite the applicant to speak, then adjourn to consider their decision. If the panel was undecided or considering approving the application, they would invite objectors to speak. But if the panel decided not to approve the application, then there was not much point in listening to objectors.

The Chair outlined the issues identified in the Assessment and invited the Applicant to respond. However, the Applicant's speaker chose not to address the issue, despite being invited to repeatedly. Instead they belittled the bridal shops along Parramatta Road and lack of Retail Space in Annandale!. The JRPP then adjourned. When the panel returned after about 40 minutes deliberation, the audience of around 250 was jubilant to hear that they had unanimously rejected the proposal.

Muted Celebrations, under the shadow of an Appeal, continued at the North Annandale Pub.

Last Chance NO WOOLWORTHS 6pm Leichhardt Town Hall Wed 15thJRPP Documents

JRPP Agenda Agenda JRPP 2010SYE060.pdf 01-Dec-2010 27kb
Attachment A Woollies Attachment A.pdf 07-Dec-2010 546kb
Business Papers JRPP Assessment Report-2010SYE060.pdf 08-Dec-2010 174kb
Download from JRPP Website

Media Coverage

Members of the Sydney East JRPP



NSW Greens candidate for Balmain Jamie Parker discussing Woolworths development

Image of Letter from Verity FirthVerity Firth writes to JRPP on behalf of local residents

Local Member Verity Firth further advised: to register to speak, email: or call on 9383 2121 and quote DA/2010/408 in your request...more

Member for Balmain, Verity Firth has written to the Sydney East Joint Regional Planning Panel outlining the concerns her electorate has raised with the Development Application for a Woolworths Store, on Trafalgar Street Annandale.

Ms Firth has provided the panel with the results of an online survey and summary of concerns, outlined to her. According to the letter - when asked "Do you support a Woolworths on the corner of Parramatta Rd and Trafalgar St, Annandale?"
11.6% ticked "Yes absolutely - it would be really convenient"
18% ticked "like the idea as long as there are appropriate traffic and safety measures"
16.3% ticked "deep concerns about the location and traffic", while an overwhelming"
54.1% ticked "Absolutely not - it is not appropriate for our local area."

The concerns summarised in the letter are:- Increased traffic, Increased noise, Increased noise and air pollution, Inappropriate design, Impact o[n] local stores and community - (copy of letter 80kb pdf)

The JRPP (Sydney East) will hold its meeting to determine on the DA at 6pm Wednesday, 15 December 2010 at Leichhardt Town Hall. Proponents and persons who make a submission may address the meeting - but need to register their wish to do so.

"Panel Meeting is a meeting where the Regional Panel meets in public to consider the development application that has been referred to it. The purpose of the meeting is for the Regional Panel to hear those who wish to express their view on the development application before the Panel makes a decision. Following hearing of public submissions, the Panel may proceed to determine the application or decide other course of action, where appropriate."...Regional Panel Meetings (JRPP Website)

Kids write 4 community Our Annandale community needs appropriate development. Does a 17 hours a day Woolworths supermarket on the corner of trafalgar Street fit the bill?Whether you are pro or anti, this development will have a serious impact on the lives of the kids at both Annandale Public School and St Brendan's with North Annandale Public School also affected. This is an invitation to the children living in or attending school in Annandale to have their voices heard on the Woolworths proposal. So grab your kids and a texta and join us as we get our kids writing 4 community at:Annandale Neighbourhood Centre,79 Johnston Street,3-5pm wednesday 3rd November 2010.See a Scale model of the development.Help our kids write their letter to Council. talk to to Council members and leave the letter in the drop-off box we've organised.Although the official deadline has closed, Council will accept submissions up until the meeting of the State panel that has the final say.every letter counts!Kids write 4 community is organised by APS parents Katherine Delaney and Jane Cameron who both oppose the current DA but are organising this event to encourage public debate and our kids involvement in community. Enquiries to Katherin at 0404-099-470 or Kids write 4 community

Our Annandale community needs appropriate development. Does a 17 hours a day Woolworths supermarket on the corner of trafalgar Street fit the bill?

Whether you are pro or anti, this development will have a serious impact on the lives of the kids at both Annandale Public School and St Brendan's with North Annandale Public School also affected.

This is an invitation to the children living in or attending school in Annandale to have their voices heard on the Woolworths proposal.

So grab your kids and a texta and join us as we get our kids writing 4 community at:
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre,
79 Johnston Street,
3-5pm wednesday 3rd November 2010.

every letter counts!

Kids write 4 community is organised by APS parents Katherine Delaney and Jane Cameron who both oppose the current DA but are organising this event to encourage public debate and our kids involvement in community. Enquiries to Katherin at 0404-099-470 or

"for all kids from babies through to high school ie from those who can only put their handprint through to those big enough to come without their folks attached!" - Katherine

Residents Object by the Hundreds

People at Meeting
People at Meeting
People at Meeting
Lookout Woolie Mammoth coming your Way

Over 200 residents and local business owners spilled out of the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre on Monday 11 October 2010. They came to register their objection to the Proposal to build a Woolworths Store, at the corner of Trafalgar Street and Parramatta Road.

noise, dirty, beware Woolly's Mammoth The meeting was chaired by Leichhardt Deputy Mayor Rochelle Porteous and Local Councillors Lyndal Howinson, Daniel Kogoy and Cassi Plate, were joined by Rozelle Councillor John Stambolis and Mayor Jamie Parker, who is on the JRPP. The Council General Manager responded to questions on process and the Traffic Officer took questions on the commissioned traffic study

Those present heard that the rejection of the Balmain Tigers Development Application was the result of a record 300 submissions opposing that development and were urged to lodge their objections in writing if they hadn't already done so. (Editors note, as of 8 October 2010 - 254 Submissions on the Woolworths Proposal had been acknowledged on the Application Website). Send Submissions to Leichhardt Council or to JRPP (2010SYE060).

Woolworths Proposed for Annandale

D 2010/408: Proposed Supermarket and Residential 69-73 Parramatta Road, Annandale

On exhibition for public comment 9 September 2010 - 8 October 2010. Application available through Applications Tracking Online at Leichhardt Council Website

Leichhardt Council Information about Application and Process for Proposed Woolworths in Annandale

Notes from Public Briefing

7pm Wednesday 22 September 2010
Leichhardt Town Hall
Corner Marion and Norton Street Leichhardt
Purpose of the meeting is for Council Staff to provide a briefing on the Proposal and Process

About 150 people attended the briefing, by Council Staff, at the Leichhardt Town Hall. Annandale Councillors Howison and Kogoy were present.

The clear message of the meeting was that Woolworths is not wanted in Annandale.

The Council Staff urged the attendees to put their objections in writing either via email or paper mail, ideally handwritten.

Beware Woollies Mammoth, on a shopping trolley, coming your wayA variety of issues were raised.

tyre shop with two story white building with windows

Development Application: D/2010/408 69-73 Parramatta Road ANNANDALE NSW 2038

Lodged: 16/08/2010 On Exhibition for Public Comment 9 September - 8 October 2010

Demolition of all structures and construction of a mixed-use development comprising; two-level supermarket, ten (10) one-bedroom residential dwellings on the 1st and 2nd [mezzanine] levels, customer/resident parking at ground level and within two basement levels, ground level loading dock/ staff car park area with vehicle access via Trafalgar Street, strata subdivision and site remediation. Trading hours of the supermarket are 7am - Midnight, 7 days with after hours Midnight - 7am, 7 days for staff packing and stocking shelves.
Applicant: Mr K David, Mrs G King

Lookout the Woollies Mammoth, on a shopping trolley, coming your way The application is for integrated development which requires development consent and one or more approvals listed under Section 91A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. This developmen requires approval from the Roads and Traffic Authrity under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993

Any Person may write to Leichhardt Council regarding the application.
Anyone wishing to make an objection must specify the grounds of objection.
Contacts: Eamon Egan 93679253 and Rachel Josey 93679231
Email: More at Leichhardt Council, Applications Tracking Online

Terrace Cottage with say no to woolies bannerMINUTES of ORDINARY MEETING of Leichhardt Municipal Council held in the Council Chambers Leichhardt Town Hall, Norton Street, Leichhardt on 24 August 2010 at 7:00pm.

1. That Councillors receive and note the background information to this Notice of Motion in the Business Paper.
2. A flyer be displayed in Council's community noticeboards in and around Annandale.
3. The flyer be distributed in the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre and other appropriate venues.
4. The DA be included in the Leichhardt Council website ‘Major Community Issues' page.
5. Councillors conduct an informal site visit during the next session of site inspections.
6. Prior to the formal notification period, Council send a letter to all residents and businesses in Annandale advising them of this DA, the respective roles of the Council and the State Government established Joint Regional Planning Panels in the determination of the DA, the Local Government and Shire Association's stance on Joint Regional Planning Panels and the availability of new documents on Council's online tracking facility and/or Major Community Issues page.
7. Leichhardt Council hold a public meeting at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre or Leichhardt Town Hall in September or October to discuss this DA and that this meeting be advertised in Council's local paper advertising, on the website and in Council's letter to Annandale residents and businesses.
Help Save the Village Beware Woolies Mammoth 8. Leichhardt Council renew its commitment to developing an Economic Development Strategy for Parramatta Road, recognising the real need to carefully manage impacts of commercial activity on residents in surrounding streets.
9. Leichhardt Council resolve that it does not support development and intensification that inappropriately increases traffic pressure, reduces parking availability and diminishes the value of heritage conservation areas like that of Annandale Village or impacts the economic viability of the existing Annandale Village.
10. Leichhardt Council investigate commissioning its own traffic study of this DA and reports back to Council at the September Building & Development Council meeting with options. That these investigations include the traffic impacts on Saturday mornings on Trafalgar Street, Parramatta Road, Albion Street, Collins Street, Johnston Street and Booth Street.
11. Leichhardt Council adopts the Local Government and Shire Associations position on Joint Regional Planning Panels – refer: government-association-calls-for-hold-on-jrpp- nominations.asp?intSiteID=1

Local Councillor Lyndal Howinson has placed item on Council Agenda with Counillor Daniel Kogoy indicating support for its elaboration at Leichhardt Council's meeting 7pm Tuesday 24 August 2010 Ordinary Meeting 24 Aug 2010 [Agenda & Papers] 37 WOOLWORTHS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION

tyre store, warehouse and parking lotDevelopment Application 2010/408 16/08/2010 69-73 Parramatta Road ANNANDALE NSW 2038. Lodged with Leichhardt Council

Demolition of existing buildings. Construction of new retail and residential building with associated carparking. Strata subdivision of building on completion. Applicant: Mr K David, Mrs G King - Leichhardt Council Development Application Tracking

"Development proposal corner Parramatta Rd & Trafalgar St Annandale
Standing orders were suspended to allow Geoff Bonus, architect for a proposed Woolworths development corner Parramatta Rd & Trafalgar St to address the meeting
Aspects of the development – owners purchased the site 20 years ago, site is now vacant, the supermarket 2,000sqm, ten 1 bedroom units at the rear, retail on Parramatta Rd, car parking on 2 levels underground, 106 places for the public, 10 for residents & 7 for staff, 3 lifts, 2 for the public & 1 for residents, trucks enter from Parramatta Rd load the store from an entrance in Trafalgar St & a turntable to be used for the return to the street, opening hours would be 7.00am to midnight. There will be no bakery, butcher & most products will be prepacks. The proposal is relevant to Council's DCPs – mixed development, required parking. The height is consistent with other buildings in the locality
Councillor Howison – The final decision will be made by the Joint Regional Panel on which Council has 2 of the 5 representatives, Council will negotiate & prepare the report. This is the second set of plans with original concerns being overlooking, excessive scale & setbacks. The Pre DA is on the Council's website. The rear setback has been increased, but there are still concerns from residents
The final plans to be lodged with Council in July at this stage & more consultation will result.

Beware the Woollies Mammoth, on a large truck, coming your wayResidents raised the following
• the effect such a large retail development could have on the small scale Annandale village businesses & ambience
• traffic as the area streets/lanes (Trafalgar, Albion, Nelson, Collins) are already congested & rat run
• impact on the immediate neighbours re traffic & noise
• concern about the extent the heritage aspects of the area have been taken into account
• truck movements & the impact on local streets & neighbours, rubbish removal
• on a positive note it may improve the rundown nature of this area of Parramatta Rd & competition will improve services to the residents of the suburb" - Annandale Precinct June 2010 Meeting Minutes (PDF)

This page last Updated: 27 December 2010.