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photograph of building and houses with spire in backgroundDating the Building at 74B Trafalgar Street, Annandale

See also: History of the Site | The work of John Horbury Hunt?

In the Vicinity:-Electric Press Pty Ltd (Registration 25/10/1956 App for voluntary deregistration 03/05/2007) appears at 74 Trafalgar Street; Raycophone was at the corner of Trafalgar and Booth. The Raycophone factory was later a Kodak Processing facility); Beale's Piano Factory, Annandale Public School, Hunter Baillie Presbyterian Church, St Brendan's Catholic Church & School. historical images

OGLESBY, Charles Whittaker - December 31, 1951 result of accident beloved husband of Ida Ellen Oglesby and late of 9th Co. Field Engineers (1914-8) 74 Trafalgar Street Annandale At Rest.
OGLESBY -The Relatives and Friends of Mrs Ida E Oglesby of 74 Trafalgar Street Annandale, are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband CHARLES WHITTAKER OGLESBY to leave our Chapel 810 George Street Sydney This Wednesday at 2.45 pm for Church of England Cemetery Field of Mars..WOOD COFFILL LIMITED M4611 (3Lines).-The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 2 January 1952 (page 16)


part of green window in brick wall74b Trafalgar Streetshaped brick, in brick wall

The [Hunter Baillie] brick church hall was built before the stone church and used for worship. "It [the Church] shows none of the influence of later Victorian modifications of Gothic evident in the Church Hall (1886)" -. Constructed of polychrome moulded brick, the hall opened in 1886, shows some influence of Horbury Hunt (p 13 Hunter Baillie).

architectural detailcorner of cottage showing bricks on facade and side of building
corner of cottage showing bricks on facade and side of buildingSandstone plaque 1907 in brick wall St Fiacres, Catherine Street Leichhardt (1907)
architectural detail and street 74b Trafalgar Streetarchitectural detail

Down Pipes

base of green rectangular downpipegreen rectangular downpipe bracket

square downpipe inset in brick wallinset square downpipe1910 Substation Downpipes and Brickwork

part of a rectangular downpipe and bracket on redbrick building painted orange The 1905-6 Leichhardt Fire Station, is an example of Federation Arts and Crafts. It features a red brick and stucco, and rectangular downpipes and brackets, similar to 74b Trafalgar Street. Though the Firestation downpipes are not inset to the brickwork, like those of 74b Trafalgar Street. The residence at 3 Collins Street is a roughcast/stuccoed italianate residence, with a verandah on two sides.

part of downpipe cavity showing brickworkinset downpipesquare downpipe disappearing behind tiled wall

inset square downpipe in brick wallAt the Southern end of St John's Road Glebe is a building named "Durst Industries established 1912" which has similar exposed, iron inset downpipes. These downpipes may also be present under plastered and tiled facades of buildings around Annandale, such as 127 Booth Street and 107 Johnston Street (Booth Street Wall).

The North Annandale Public Shool opened in 1907(ANPS History) and a 1910 electricity substation in Annandale also have inset iron downpipes. Exposed brickwork, behind inset downpipe, on the building at the corner of Parramatta Road and Trafalgar Street and tiling over inset downpipe Booth Street, near corner with Johnston Street.

photo of bricks, window, sill, downpipe, vent and plaque Mackie Building Sydney UniversitySydney Mackie Building in Arundel Street Glebe. Has similar downpipes, window sills and windows to those at the rear of 74b Trafalgar Street.

Wooden Window with single horizontal bar in a brick wall with sloping brick sillWindows of North Annandale Hotel - the lace verandahs, clearly visible in this 1920s photograph were clad by 1955. As the building is identified as interwar art deco c. 1930. In the second half of the 1930s, low building and property prices encouraged a new boom in hotel building. Tooth & Co built over 100 new hotels at this time, remodelled or renovated hundreds more.

photo of wooden, window frame and brick window sill Window Sill, Mosman 1914 Firestation

"Old Canberra House [1912] is a two-storey structure with roughcast walls and a steep roof. It blends stylistic features of the Mediterranean Revival and Californian bungalow (the roughcast walls)... and Italianate (bay window incorporating the chimney)...The '[1920s]Moderne', horizontal glazing bars are arresting departures from the simple original window style." - Old Canberra House was designed by JS Murdoch, the first commonwealth architect, who worked for the Scottish and Queensland Department of Mines and Public Works as a draftsman -

3 January 1939 Street Map/SurveyThe property at 74b Trafalgar Street, straddles two of the subdivisions and part of the lane way shown in late 19th Century Maps of the area.

Saw Tooth Roof

saw tooth roofThe building at 74b Trafalgar Street has a saw tooth roof (photo). According to Heritage Victoria, the saw-tooth factories with canted roof lights, illustrate how English factory technology was imported to Australia during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. See 74b Trafalgar Street's of Saw Tooth Beam

The heritage list, identifies the red brick saw tooth Rozelle Tram Depot as Federation Warehouses.

Examples similar Saw Tooth Roof Buildings

  • 62A Trafalgar Street, Annandale
    Residential Warehouse Conversion
  • 5A Vista Street, Mosman
    Retail Use
  • 1 Moore Street Lilyfield (corner with White Street)
    Currenty Truck Parts and Servicing Warehouse/Garage but looks like it could have been stables previously.

saw tooth roof
saw tooth roof
building with saw tooth roof

This page last updated 29 September 2010.