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Demolition, Excavation and Construction | Stables by John Horbury Hunt? | Federation Factory | History of the Site
2011 | Demolition & ExcavationNeighbours receive advice that removal of asbestos roof to commence 19 September 2011 (weather permitting). See photo log. |
Development Application to Demolish Building (D/2009/474 and modification D/2011/156)Development Applications D/2011/156![]() Item 4 BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MEETING 14 JUNE 2011 - D/2011/156 74B Trafalgar Street, Annandale (PDF 580.10kB) Modification of two dwellings approved under Development Consent D/2009/474 comprising conversion of attic space and associated internal and external alterations. Approved at Building and Development Leichhardt Council Meeting, Tuesday 14 June 2011. Land and Environment Court Proceedings No 10445 of 2010 Development Application No D/2009/474Appeal was heard on 16 November 2010 - court resolved to uphold the application subject to conditions including design changes. (Letter from Leichhardt Council, 25 February 2011, received 11 April 2011)
74B Trafalgar Street Pty Limited v Leichhardt Council [2010] NSWLEC 1358 - Judgement Published 4 February 2011. See: (09/02/2011) D/2009/474 - 74B Trafalgar Street Annandale - Amended Plans - Covering Letter (Author: Level Orange) | |
2010 |
Summary of Application Process to Date (4 December 2010)The Application was lodged in November 2009 and it was refused by Council on 13 July 2010. It had been referred to the Precinct for Community Consultation at the previous council meeting. At the precinct meeting, the mayor advised, the precinct, that the Applicant had already deemed it a refusal because of the timelapse and was taking their appeal to the Land and Environment Court. A Land and Environment Court hearing date of 14 October 2010 was set. However this was vacated when the Applicant's lawyer took leave of the case, to take up a position on the JRPP deciding on the Woolworths DA at the Southern end of Trafalgar Street. A new hearing date of 9 November 2010 was set. The applicant presented a revised proposal correcting the previously inaccurate survey of the existing building's Southern profile and associated shadow diagrams. The council and applicant's experts disagreed about the shadow the current building cast on adjoining properties. The hearing comprised an onsite inspection and presentation of evidence, before moving to a Macquarie Street hearing room. 3 Resident Objectors gave evidence, at three sites. Evidence presented in writing included photographs of the shadow of the current building near winter solstice, how the proposed building will impact adjoining properties and an overview of the early history of the site, filling in the gaps identified by the applicant's heritage expert.
About an hour into the hearing at Macquarie Street, the Applicant's lawyer advised that they were putting forward new plans. There was an adjournment and Council's lawyer asked for time for Council to assess the new plans at a cost to the applicant. The commissioner seemed unhappy about this as she indicated she believed she had sufficient information to make a decisioh, however the Council was granted their request. The applicant was required to provide council with detailed documentation for the new proposal by 4pm Thursday 11 November 2010 and the hearing was adjourned to 2pm Monday 15 November 2010. When the hearing resumed, the only point of dispute appeared to be the Roofline. The Council proposed a Parapet Roof whereas the applicant preferred a sloping roof. The roofline had material impact on adjoining properties and there was extended discussion about the impact on 3 Collins Street Sun Room. The applicant argued that the entitlement for new developments is only 3 hours solar access but 3 Collins Street solar access was only being reduced to 4 hours. The commissioner also remarked that the applicant's proposal was infact lower than the Council recommended deferred commencement. The commissioner then said she would deliver her decision at 1pm the next day. The hearing was a Merit Appeal in which the commissioner arbitrated between the Council and the Applicant - other parties may join, but did not (more info EDO Website). The commissioner only arbitrated or decided on points where there was a difference of opinion between the Council and the Applicant's experts. Council did not oppose demolition as their expert claimed the building was constructed in 1945. The Applicant's Heritage Consultant argued it was built in 1942 and presented an aerial photo showing it in 1943. Verbal and Written evidence of a 1913 real estate advertisement for a factory and residence, subsequent job advertisements and the location of the pre-1900 sewer line as evidence of the buildings earlier existence, by the author as a resident objector, did not carry weight given the position of the Council and Applicant's experts. The commissioner stated that as neither the Applicant nor Council opposed demolition, the Commissioner would not Decide on this. She Decided to uphold the appeal in favour of the applicant's new proposal to excavate to lower the two victorian/edwardian terraces by 900mm. It is expected that Commissioner Tuor's Decision, with appendix of conditions, will be published at Decisions for the Land and Environment Court (LEC).
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2009 | Development Application D/2009/474 seeks to demolish 74B Trafalgar Street. |
2009 | D/2009/422 Demolition of existing building, and construction 2 new terraces on Torrens tile and boundary adjustment. Date Withdrawn 19/10/2009 |
2004 | "Management of Heritage Values | Last updated 29 November 2020.