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Photographs the new bridge being constructed over Johnston's Creek and Buses approaching Johnston Street.
Ordinary Meeting 17th October 1904...That the Glebe Council be asked to cooperate with this Council in the deputation to the Hon. the Minister for public works requesting him to open a road for vehicular traffic along the ....trams-line from Johnston Street Annandale to Ross Stree Forest Lodge. ...requesting the road from Glebe Point to Annandale across the reclaimed land...
In 1905 the N.S.W. Freehold, Land, Building, and Investment Co. contributed £50 towards the roadway along the Balmain tram line (the Crescent), between - 1905 'ANNANDALE COUNCIL.', The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), 16 November, p. 3. (FIRST EDITION), viewed 11 Nov 2020,
1898 Map showing Johnston Street, Ferry and reclaimed land on Rozelle Bay(viewed 7 Jan 2013).
1902 Map showing subdivision East of Annandale Street, Kentville Estate and Johnston Street terminating at Ferry Terminal on Johnston's Bay (viewed 7 Jan 2013).
The Minister for Lands informed Messrs JA. Hogue and WH Mahoney, the respective MLAs for Glebe and Annandale, that £50 and the services of a landscape gardener had been set aside for the improvement of Federal Park(1901 'FEDERAL PARK.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 11 February, p. 4, viewed 11 December, 2013,
Annandale Council decided to consult Glebe Council on composting household garbage to improve the soil in Federal Park. - 1905 'ANNANDALE COUNCIL.', The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), 16 November, p. 3. (FIRST EDITION), viewed 11 Nov 2020,
In 1906, the Annandale Borough strongly objected to the Glebe Borough's proposal to use household garbage to build a mound on which to plant trees in Federal Park. The Annandale Borough wanted a fence. The joint management of the park by the Glebe and Annandale boroughs had resulted in constant squabbling between the councils. (1906 'DIVIDED AUTHORITY OVER FEDERAL PARK.', Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 25 August, p. 4, viewed 10 December, 2013,
However, by 1908, there was a joint Tree Planting in Federal Park. "The work of laying out Federal Park at Glebe Point was commenced on Saturday afternoon, when at the invitation of Glebe Council, a number of residents of Glebe and Annandale assembled to witness... 1908 'FEDERAL PARK.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 26 October, p. 5, viewed 11 December, 2013,
(See illustrations on pages 36 and 37.)
From any of the surrounding hills of the Glebe, Forest Lodge, Annandale, or Balmain, the extensive premises of Messrs. Langdon and Langdon, timber merchants and saw millers, at Rozelle Bay, show up to great advantage...
Generally speaking, in reaching virgin forests of any extent, the class of country traversed is rough and difficult of access, and as these lands do not readily lend themselves to agricultural pursuits, a large number of persons, who would otherwise be unoccupied, find employment in felling, transport, and working of timber.
....Formerly the space occupied was 3% acres, with a water frontage of about 550 feet to Rozelle Bay, Annandale, the situation being directly at the foot of Johnston-street, and at the end of the second tram section from Circular Quay. Finding this accommodation altogether Inadequate, owing to the rapid growth of the business, an additional area was secured to bring up the total area to over 12 ncres, with a water frontage to the bay of 1300 feet. As there is at all times a considerable quantity of shipping nt the yards, this wharfnge accommodation forms a busy and very yaluable feature to the premises.- 1907 'A Triumph in Timber—Messrs. Langdon and Langdon's Yards.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 25 December, p. 36, viewed 4 January, 2012,
In 1929, the Perth Mirror reported the wise awarding of a theatre seating contract to A. W. Thomson and Co. Ltd. of Annandale, Sydney. The firm who maintained a principle of "Aussie" workmen and materials had installed seating had been installed in all the "Aussie" capitals, most notably the club chairs in the Capitol. - 1929 'SIT DOWN IN FRONT!.', Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956), 4 May, p. 13, viewed 4 November, 2013,
The company records show a A N THOMSON & COMPANY specialising in the manufacturing of School, Church & other Furniture registered at The Crescent Annandale on 28 Aug 1917. The principal was a Harold Joseph Baxter, perhaps Walter Williams Baxter's father. - State Records NSW (29093 [2/8546])
The 1916 Sands Directory lists along The Crescent (from Johnston Street): Langdon and Langdon timber merchants, Langdon's Wharf, Annandale Wharf, Ghuthrey's Wharf, Union Box Co's Timber Yard, Australian Coal Supply Co. Ltd, Union Box Co, Timber Yard, Baxter and Hepburn joinery works, Elliottt HD & Co. Furn w'house Turner & Loveridge Builders..and on the South Side, Brown John Timber yard, Barrett George "Bologna", Dent John F Hazelbrook, Hanian James "Royston", Oliver Robert "Leontea", Askildsen Norman "Holyrood", 7 Glover John, 6 Jones Mrs Elizabeth, 5 Cuzzo John, 4, Barter Francis J, 3 Manning Richard Williams George "Kangaloop", Scott Mrs E hardware shop, Trafalgar Street Hearle Francis A "Gunyah", Scheidl FGP, Poctor William, Smith Frank, Johnson Mrs Ada. - 5.5MB PDF (viewed 10 Dec 2013
In October 1923, the newspapers reported a "A Disastrous fire" at Annandale. The warehouse and factory of OK Elliott Ltd was destoryed and two firemen, Conway and Deputy Chief Officer Nance, were electrocuted and take to Balmain Hospotal unconscious. (1923 'SUMMARY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 29 October, p. 1, viewed 29 November, 2013, The fire spread quickly and left telegraph and tram cables on the ground. A Green Grocer's shop and two cottages across the road were also destroyed and adjoining cottages were damaged. (1923 'FIERCE BLAZE.', The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), 27 October, p. 5, viewed 10 December, 2013, The fire was attended by fire men from headquarters in George street, West Stanmore, Balmain, Newtowa, Bed fern, Annandale, Leichhardt, and Glebe but the water supply was inadequate. The adjoining premises which were occupied by Messrs. Turner & Loveridge. and Messrs. Thomson & Co were also damaged. Tram services to Balmain and Rozelle were diverted via Pyrmont. The damage was estimated at £100,000 and the furniture factory was reportedly insured.(1923 'ANOTHER SYDNEY FIRE.', The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), 29 October, p. 13, viewed 29 November, 2013,
In 1929, a second fire destroyed the OK Elliott factory was reported at 4am in the morning. It was attended by the now Chief Fire Officer, Mr Nance who had survived electrocuted, in the previous fire, contacted the Tramways to turn off the electricity as soon as he arrived. The fire was put out by 9am and trams were delayed. The firemen were able to protect the adjoining building by keeping the hoses on it. (1929 'FACTORY GUTTED.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 30 December, p. 8, viewed 10 December, 2013,
A Truck was photographed emptying the catcher of the Sawdust Vacuum Cleaner at Crescent Timber Yards, Chapman Road, Annandale on 22 August 2012
Rozelle Tram Sheds. In 1920, the Rozelle Tram Depot won 1st Prize in the No. 1 Section of the Railway Gardens competion. (1920 'RAILWAY GARDENS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 6 December, p. 6, viewed 2 December, 2013,
In 1908, Turner and Loveridge were awarded a £18,822 contract for extensions to the Australian Museum (Sydney). (1908 'New Public Works,.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 16 March, p. 5, viewed 10 December, 2013,
An advertisement for The British lamsome Batch Concrete Mixer exclaimed "ORDERS TALK! Here is a list of names to conjure with: OWEN RIDGE & SON...TURNER & LOVERIDGE..." (1914 'DESIGN FOR AN OFFICE BUILDING.', Construction and Local Government Journal (NSW : 1913 - 1930), 21 September, p. 10, viewed 10 December, 2013,
In 1915, Turner & Loveridge of Nelson St., Annandale advertised under Architects in the Construction and Local Government Journal (1915 'ARCHITECTS.', Construction and Local Government Journal (NSW : 1913 - 1930), 20 August, p. 5, viewed 10 December, 2013,
In 1920, the president of the Master Builders Association welcomed Mr. NB Loveridge as a new member. Noting Loveridge's return from active service, the president hoped that he would follow in the footsteps of his very old building family. Mr. Loveridge thanked the Association and was honored to be elected a member. (1920 'Master Builders Meet.', Construction and Local Government Journal (NSW : 1913 - 1930), 27 April, p. 5, viewed 10 December, 2013,
In 1923, Turner and Loveridge, The Crescent, Annandale advertised for joiners (1923 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 9 October, p. 14, viewed 10 December, 2013,
In 1924, Turner & Loveridge were listed at The Crescent & Nelson Street, Annandale (1924 'Your Best Act for the New Year.', Construction and Local Government Journal (NSW : 1913 - 1930), 9 January, p. 12, viewed 10 December, 2013,
See also Photographs of Trams in Annandale
See photograph of Tram Stop Shelter, at Johnston St
In January 1922, the first goods waggons ran over the new rail viaduct -regarded as a feat of en gineering skill. (1922 'NEWS IN BREIF.', The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), 27 January, p. 3, viewed 2 December, 2013,
In 1923, a large number of Annandale residents met at the Council Chambers on Johnston Street. The Mayor (Alderman E. Hogan) presided over the meeting whose objective was to securing certain land in the municipality for dedication as a public park and recreation ground. The resolution to secure the land was moved by Senator J. Grant. In seconding the motion, Mr. W. J. Lincoln said that the "building of the Rozelle railway had robbed them of the only recreation ground they had." The motion was supported by Aldermen Packer and Ridge, Mr. A. Sinclair, M.L.C., and Mr. Carrington. Messrs. W. J. Lincoln and P. S. Tooker were elected president and hon. secretary respectively of the citizens' committee which was formed to arrange a deputation to the Minister for Lands. Source: 1923 'PARK FOR ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 November, p. 8, viewed 11 September, 2013,
In 1928, Alderman Marshall complained to the council that Federal Park was being treated as a Tin Hare Track, with 30-40 greyhounds running around the park at 7am every morning. (NOT TIN HARE TRACK ANNANDALE COMPLAINT Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Tuesday 12 June 1928 p 8 Article)
See also Photographs of Freight Train & Bridge
Attempt to introduce Mangroves to Rozelle Bay (2004). Last updated 29 January 2021